Sunday, April 2, 2017

Modern Medicine

Monday Poetry
Yesterday would have been Daddy's 92nd. Happy birthday, Daddy!
To celebrate, another of his favourite stories!

"I insist!" she told the doctor
In her firmest, loudest voice.
When out the door, he would have sent her,
Because that was his choice.

"I'm not leaving without answers!"
Her voice was now a shout.
"Is it measles, mumps or hiccups?! 
I'm prepared to have this out!"

The doctor sighed and shrugged, "You know
There's something I can try.
We know the what and where and who,
Well now let's find the 'why'."

So he found a room and parked her
Tucked up snugly in her bed,
Tried, some sense, to whisper, and
Relieve her of her dread.

Then upon her firm insistence,
And with no more ado,
He left, but said he'd send someone
To give that second view.

All at once, her doorway opened,
And a cat stepped in the room.
He stopped her there in mid-mope, as,
He circled in the gloom.

Three times around, he loped, the while
He watched her carefully,
Then he turned and with a feline smile,
Meowed to be set free.

A moment more, the door, again,
Swung open. Without guile,
A happy Mr. Dog bounced in,
Who sat and stared a while.

When the visits of her august guests
Had finished, back he came--
Her doctor with some more intel.
He called her by her name:

"Well, the catscan's perfect, Ma'am," he said,
"I couldn't be more calm.
And the Lab work's just as positive
So it's time for moving on!"

So remember when its 'doctor time'.
And you ask for more info.
Your doctor looks to many views
To make his knowledge grow.

Monday is just better when it starts with poetry!
Zip over to Delores at Mumblings and Jenny at The Procrastinating Donkey and see what their day is like!

Still traveling. In Switzerland. One of the biggies off my bucket list!
Loving this!