Friday, June 21, 2024

Eensie Weensie

Fly on the Wall is a monthly challenge that I share with my blogging sisters, Karen and Marcia (and this time, Sarah!) where we invite people into our lives and recap the activities and/or thoughts of our past month.
This is a wee glimpse into mine...
Okay, I tried to find the cutest one I could. It still makes me shiver.

The fact that spiders and I aren’t friends won’t come as a surprise to many of you.
Further, the statement ‘Spiders and I exist best when on different time continuums’ will also strike a familiar chord.
But still, I’m bothered by what follows…

The eensy weensy* spider climbed up the waterspout.
Actually as far as this goes, I’m fine with it. Spider in waterspout. Diane. Both in different quadrants of their co-existent world and unlikely to cross paths. We’re good.

On with the poem…
Down came the rain
Still good. I like rain.
And washed the spider out.
Uh-oh. Here’s where the poem and I begin to come to odds. I mean, I can totally sympathize with someone being washed out of their homes.
Even spiders.
Out came the sun
I like sun, too. Sun soaked=Warm. Glorious. Happy. Who’s with me?
And dried up all the rain
Okay. A normal and natural consequence. I use this principal of nature every day for drying laundry. True story.
And the eensie weensie spider climbed up the spout again.
Here, I’m forced to say, “Good for you, Mr. (Or Ms.) Spider. You have more stick-to-it-ive-ness than most people I know. Including me.”
Because how many of us would simply dust (or dry) themselves off and start in again?
Believe me, there would be a lot of ‘what-if(s)’ and ‘but last time(s)’ rolling around in my noggin. And it would take a lot more than a brightly shining, sun-er-ific day to get me to start that arduous journey once more.
And—I’m assuming here—but what if during that whole ‘up the waterspout’ thing, little Ms. (or Mr.) Spider had also constructed a home of fine filaments that took many ‘spider hours’ to construct. So, in truth, not only was he (or she) washed out, but also his home and belongings were now somewhere out of Waterspout Falls (not a tourist hot spot) and up Waterspout Creek.
Without a paddle.
So that whole ‘up the waterspout’ thing becomes much more of a ‘starting over from scratch’ affair than simply climbing and re-climbing.
I suddenly find myself in awe of such unwavering resolve and resolution. And hope.
In truth, this poem becomes much more a statement toward keeping up one’s courage than of a little spider climbing again and again (you have no idea how many repeats my kids could happily sing) the same steep slope.
So to all those determined and courageous spiders out there in the world…I salute you!
And now for the ‘silly’ in all of us, my second son’s version of Eensy Weensy. Sung endlessly (with appropriate hand gestures) to all of his kids when they were toddlers.

The eensie weensie parasite crawled up the chi-ld’s back.
Down came the rain and washed it down the crack.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain…
And the eensie weensie parasite crawled up and ate his brain!

You can now picture the resultant squeals of laughter.

*See also "Incy Wincy” Spider. Or “Itsy Bitsy”. I’m assuming they all mean the same thing…

If you enjoyed my Fly on the Wall post, go now and see what my friends have been up to this month!
You'll be glad you did!