Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Naked-ing the Clothed

The cover of Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
 And I do mean Cover!

Bit of a departure today, because of a recent experience . . .

I have a swimsuit.
I made it.
Long. Old-fashioned. Neck to knees type.
Yes, popular at the turn of the century.
The Twentieth century.
I love it. It covers me.
It encases anything that might otherwise unexpectedly fall out.
And saves me the aggravation of having to shave my nether regions.
I hate shaving my nethers.
Moving on . . .
Swimming is the only exercise I can do that doesn't hurt something.
I swim a lot.
This necessitates my going to the pool.
Usually, I swim in the morning.
With the other octogenarians.
I fit right in. And no one can see well enough to notice that my swimsuit is different from those found at the local Zellers.
All is well.
But I missed my morning swim yesterday.
And was forced to go at a later time.
With the younger set.
Who can see.
I strode confidently from the dressing room towards the pool.
And that's when the trouble started.
A group of kids, probably in the 10 to 12 age range was sitting on a large, foam raft not too far from the entrance/exit to the change room.
I entered.
One young girl pointed.
And laughed.
I suddenly felt as though I was in junior high again.
It wasn't a pleasant feeling.
But that's not important.
What is important, was how this young girl was . . . dressed.
Her slender little pre-pubescent body was covered, barely (and I use this term deliberately) by two almost non-existent triangles of cloth on her upper half and only slightly larger triangles on her lower half.
She was as close to naked as one can get and still legally appear in public.
And she seemed completely heedless, sitting there amongst other boys and girls her own age, laughing at someone who was dressed in a far more modest, albeit fairly 'unique' swimsuit.
I remember when near-nudity was a source of embarrassment. When one's worst dreams were of appearing somewhere public . . . in a less than exemplary fashion.
Okay, I have to admit that, yesterday, one of us was embarrassed.
Me. For her.
My point is this: When has modestly become an opportunity to jeer?
When did society do a complete turn-around? When did the naked start laughing at the clothed? (Not that I'm promoting the idea of the clothed laughing at the naked . . .) But when?
I have to admit that I believe in modesty.
It promotes confidence and self-worth. It promotes respectful behavior, both to oneself and to others.
I still wear my bathing suit, and will continue to do so.
I'm comfortable.
And isn't that the point?


  1. I believe in modesty too. :) I prefer things to be a little "loose" to leave things to the imagination...but I do sometimes wear short skirts with dark dark black tights so you can't really see anything...

    I'm tall and "curvy" so finding clothes is a challenge but I quite enjoy it! I'm slowly changing my clothing style...I've had the skirts for ages but eventually once they are worn out I prefer things more knee length. :) I tried to find things below the knee but until I am rich/clever enough to make my own clothes it isn't happening. lol

    I hate swimming cozzies! Usually I wear like a tankini with shorts but I still feel half in the ruddy duddies plus they have NO women only classes and it makes me uncomfortable so I no longer go. =/

    Being 22 and not obviously "religious" looking people don't understand, they assume only muslims and so on believe in modesty! Not true!

    I also don't think I'd approve of my future children going out like that, I hope I manage to teach them I'm not being "boring" or "strict" but it is about self respect. =o Of course children have their own minds so I may have to be leniant. lol

  2. Thanks so much, BBB! And you're right. It's all about self respect! Thanks for your comment!

  3. You should try being a 14 year old girl looking for a modest bathing suit! Sarah spent hours looking for one, and found a speedo style that she wears with boy shorts.

  4. LOVE IT! Thanks for linking up and sharing this story at the NOBH!

  5. You're very fortunate that you can make your own clothes. While some fashions are getting a bit more modest, the beach will always be the frontier of the risque.

    I would just hate to see what would happen if that girl openly mocked someone in a burqini.

  6. Hi Diane,
    AMEN! and shame on those young people for jeering/laughing at you in your beautiful suit! When did modesty become out of date you ask? Oh, I think it's like everything in society...people in society are like the frog in boiling water analogy! A frog who is put in lukewarm water will NOT jump out of the water once the water starts to boil. But, a frog who is placed in boiling water will immediately jump out. So this is so for our world today with any issue from bathing suit material (or lack there of) to TV shows, media, marriage issues...we are like the frog in lukewarm water...we are boiling, not realizing it's getting worse, and not jumping out of the water because the water is gradually changing temps just as our society is accepting things more and more that are harmful to our bodies and souls. I hope this comment makes sense! :) As Dory says "Just keep swimming" and show our world a little ray of light in how you dress in and out of the pool! :)

  7. Sigh...Good has truly become "evil" and evil has become good in so many people's eyes. I don't understand how any parent can feel okay letting their young children run around in a couple of triangles. It's just not okay.
    Good for you for wearing what makes you comfortable.
    p.s. Found you on "Post of the Week!" Thanks for submitting this.

  8. I am a teen and make fun of me but I wear shorts and a shirt to swim in because... how do I put it.. I like my modesty and because I happen to not find matching bathing suit tops and bottoms so I wear mismatching ones

  9. It's not just modesty that's lacking - but tolerance, respect and class. Sigh. If only we ran the world, huh??

  10. I love that swimsuit! Very sporty!
    Swimming is just so relaxing.


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