Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Carving Angels is Here!

There it is! In my little hands!
Photo Credit

My book, Carving Angels, was delivered today from the publisher, Cedar Fort.
It is exactly the way I wanted it.
Hardcover, red book.
Green, Christmas-y dust jacket.
It's perfect! (I'm not prejudiced)
I'm so excited, I can hardly see straight.
I actually got to hold it for the very first time!


  1. Yipee yipee yipee.....raising my glasss.

  2. Congratulations Diane! Hooray! What a beautiful lady you are. I can't wait to get myself a copy... I have one coming from Amazon as we speak! :) What a good day. I'm so excited for you!

  3. YEAH!! I'll have to order one ... and ask my library to get one too...

  4. Wow! That's the most exciting news! I'll have to pick up a copy asap. Any book signings set up?

  5. Thank you so much for your support, my friends! Just got back from one private bookstore who is going to stock my book! The excitement just gets bigger! And thank you so much for spreading the word! You are wonderful people!!!

  6. Congrats!!!! and it is so nice to see a picture of you. I am off to see if your book is on Kindle! Can't wait to read it:)


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