Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's a Pie Day!

My Mom. Doing what she did best!

That king of treats.
The amazing union of lightly browned and flaky crust and yummy filling.
And topped with a delicious scoop of iced or whipped cream . . .
It's like heaven.
In your mouth.
Spilled on the floor and reduced to its sticky, disparate parts, it's not as good.
But we won't go there.
And I just finished cleaning.
So . . . pie.
Today is pie-making day.
Whenever our family celebrates, we do it with pie.
It's a long-standing tradition that spans one generation.
Okay, we started it, but it's still a good tradition!
So, because tomorrow is the launching of my new book, Carving Angels, and every party requires pie, I will spend today making it.
Pie, I mean.
I love making it.
My Mom made fantastic pie. 
Sweet. Flaky. (This is the only place where 'flaky' is a good thing.)
And utterly delicious.
And so, when I make it, using her recipes, it's like spending time with her.
I even have a picture, which I prop up and talk to.
Okay, it's weird, but she's been gone for nearly a decade and I miss her.
And now, in honour of this grand occasion, I am including some of my favourite 'pie' quotes:
  1. "Keep your knives, we're having pie!"  ~My Dad. Just before Mom whacked him.
  2. "Keep your fork, Duke, there's pie."  ~The proprietress of a diner to the Duke of Edinborough.
  3. "A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around."  ~E.W. Howe
  4. "It is utterly insufficient (to eat pie only twice a week), as anyone who knows the secret of our strength as a nation and the foundation of our industrial supremacy must admit. Pie is the American synonym of prosperity, and its varying contents, the calendar of the changing seasons. Pie is the food of the heroic. No pie-eating people can ever be permanently vanquished."  ~EDITORIAL New York Times, 1902
  5. "But I, when I undress me
    Each night, upon my knees
    Will ask the Lord to bless me
    With apple-pie and cheese."
                ~Eugene Field
  6. "Thy breath is like the steame of apple-pyes."  ~Arcadia   Robert Green, 1590
  7. "In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."  ~ Isaac Asimov
  8. If all the world were Apple pie, And all the seas were ink, And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?  ~ Unknown
I have to go. My Mom is waiting.
Happy pie day!


  1. Ah Grams raspberry lattice topped pie sprinkled with icing sugar, Moms lemon meringue with the little golden tear drops and my other Grams pumpkin pie heaped with whipped cream and sprinkled with cinnamon. And all I make is pork pie with a pre prepared crust. Shame on me. Congrats on the book launch...happy pie day.

  2. Comin' for pie tomorrow. And lookin' for a good book :-)

  3. Mmm pie :)

    Gluten free pie is hard to make though but I'm sure someone out there has the talent haha

    They've just bought out a vegan pie book which I really want. :)

  4. Just didn't know which quote I liked best - but Asimov wins by a nose ... although I suspect pies downunder here in OZ aren't quite the same thing!!

  5. Congrats on your book & enjoy your pie! Stop by my blog today - - you are my blog of the week :)

  6. Congratulations to my writer friend!

    I love pie--but I just can't seem to figure out what I do wrong with them! It's flaky, but I can't get the crust to look pretty. Doc has been making the last bunch of pies ... oh well..

  7. How I admire a good pie crust. You can put anything in a good pie crust. Sadly, I can't make a good pie crust. Congratulations.

  8. Congratulations on the book! Pass me a piece of pie!

  9. Great. Now I have to go make a pie! :)

  10. Pie night was a huge success!! Do you celebrate pi day with pie?


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