Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music to Soothe the Savage . . . Teacher

Ignore the glasses. But love the shoes!

I love to sing.
How I love to sing.
I'm not saying I'm any good at it. But I love to do it.
I sing all of the time.
When I'm cleaning.
Shopping. Actually, that is a big one. Usually, people just stare and shake their heads, but occasionally, someone will comment.
"Someone's in a good mood!"
Or, "Someone really loves shopping!"
Or, my favourite, "Mommy, that lady sings weird!"
I always have a song stuck in my head.
Usually something good.
Sometimes not.
Me, standing in line to buy tickets at the Citadel Theatre: "I have the worst song stuck in my head!"
Lady behind me with hands over her ears: "I know! And now it's stuck in mine!!!"
Moving on . . .
Singing calms me. It is my companion whenever I am doing something that doesn't require great concentration.
Sewing. Actually, sewing is probably my big one.
It was through sewing that I realized that I love to sing while working with my hands.
Let me explain:
I was in Home Economics. Home-Ec or Uugghh! for short.
We were sewing.
Aprons, I think.
Mine looked like . . . well, let's just say that no human being would ever be able to wear it, and leave it at that.
But I was happy.
And I was singing. You Are My Sunshine, as I recall.
A happy, cheerful sort of song that just went with the day.
My teacher, Mrs. M walked past.
"Diane! Quit singing!"
Now I don't want to suggest, here, that her reason for her protest was the quality of my singing.
Although it probably was.
I like to think she was trying to keep order in the classroom.
It's better for my ego.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was."
Silence for a few minutes. Sounds of sewing machines . . . umm . . . sewing.
Then, "You are my Sunshine . . ."
"Oops. Sorry!"
More sewing.
"My only Sunshine . . ."
Notice the two exclamation points. That is to indicate the raising of Mrs. M's voice a trifle.
"Darn! Sorry, Mrs. M, I don't realize I'm doing it."
"Well, realize it!"
Still more sewing.
"Please don't take my Sunshine away!"
Mrs. M didn't give third warnings.
Instead, she walked past me and smacked me in the back of the head.
Teachers occasionally did that in the sixties. One trait that was left in the past. Happily.
It got my attention.
But I must be a slow learner.
Because it didn't stop me.
Instead, it made me realize that I love to sing.
How I love to sing.
I'm not saying that I'm any good at it . . .
You know the rest.


  1. For me it's whistling....anywhere, anytime. Until I get those dirty looks.

  2. I love to sing to. Funny thing is I don't listen to music much. When I do, that's all I can do. I can't listen to music and do other things. :)

  3. following from Tristi's hop. What's your prize?

  4. hahaha! I do too! I knew there were more reasons I like you so much. "You Are My Sunshine" is one of my favorite songs because my dad would play his guitar in the evenings and we would all sit around him and sing it with him. I even know the 2nd verse! :)

  5. Hilarious! I sing during games--somehow a specific song will get stuck in my head and will be sung over and over for the length of the game. Buddy started doing that on Sunday--WOW! I'm annoying! Doc thought it was hysterical ....

  6. That is my dd in the shower last night...really, really


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