Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Table

Due to popular demand, today's post is about our table, hand made by my husby and finished for Christmas Eve, 1999. It's been the scene of many, many family get-togethers.
The Craftsman. Ummm . . . crafting.
And yes . . . he dresses like that all of the time.
You should see the looks he gets when he puts on his tie
and goes to work . . .
Building detritus (real word).
These things don't just build themselves, you know . . .
The almost finished product!
A single oak board forms the outer edge.
Grant steamed and bent it to fit.
That's a story in itself!
Legs were crafted from salvaged oak boards, laminated together and then carved.
Finished and ready to feast!


  1. That is one heck of a table. Just beautiful and a family heirloom to treasure.

  2. Wow! That is a beautiful table! A true work of art! Does Grant want to go into business. I'll bet he could sell these.

  3. very impressive

  4. without that table, it would be really hard to have conversations like we do. It is great to always have all the adults sitting together at family dinners.

  5. Diane! That is the most beautiful table I've ever seen! What a craftsman your husband is. He really has quite the talent. That table truly is a work of art. I love that it is round too. It makes it so much easier for everyone sitting at the table to converse with each other that way. I love that you shared this!

    PS... My husband is usually in jeans and a T-shirt as well. :)

  6. Thank you, everyone for you praise. I keep telling him it's fantastic, but I'm old news! :)
    Delores: It is a family heirloom. All of our kids are claiming it. It goes to whomever's dining room will hold it, and/or who has the most grandkids.
    Christine: He has several orders . . . when he gets the time :-)
    Veryl: Thank you!
    Kallie: You would definitely know . . .:)
    Ginger: Thank you. And it does make for easy conversation. No one has to lean around their dinner partner to talk to someone else. The only thing it doesn't promote is passing. The lazy Susan in the middle has made us . . . you know . . . lazy!

  7. I almost didn't recognize the room. It is a more beautiful table today because of all the memories made around it! I remember my first dinner at that table almost 10 years ago.

  8. Great table! Thanks for sharing with NOBH!

  9. Diane...this is absolutely beautiful!!! I love it!

  10. Amazing craftsmanship - maybe he should go into business!! And isn't 'detritus' a wonderful word!!! Have a great day!!

  11. I am in absolute awe -- that is amazing!

  12. Now that's what I call a table! Incredibly beautiful!

  13. Fabulous table has your hubs made anything else for your house? So good to have a handy husband around that can build things:)


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