Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Blog Hop

Only a few more hours to get your name in for a free copy of Carving Angels!
Welcome to the October Blog Hop, where you can visit new blogs, enter to win prizes, and have a great time!

At the bottom of this post, you'll see a list of participating blogs. Just click on each link, check out the prize, and follow the easy instructions to enter. You can enter on each blog, so it's possible to win multiple times. It's frighteningly easy.

On this blog, you can win ...

To enter, all you need to do is:

1. Become a follower of my blog.

2. Leave a comment on this post and tell me why you'd like to win this prize. If your e-mail address isn't visible through your Blogger profile, please also leave it with the comment so I can notify you if you win. You can enter until midnight MST on Saturday night, October 15th.

That's it! You are now entered. Now please go visit all my friends on the list below. It's almost like trick or treating!

October Blog Hop Participants
1. Tristi Pinkston
2. I Am a Reader, Not a Writer
3. Bonnie Harris
4. Michael D. Young
5. Misty Moncur
6. Debbie Davis
7. Mandi Tucker Slack
8. Mary Ann Dennis
9. Deanna Henderson
10. Laura Bastian
11. Kristy Tate
12. Kristy Wilson
13. Jennifer Debenham
14. Jenny Moore
15. Elizabeth Hughes
16. J. Lloyd Morgan
17. Close Encounters with the Night Kind
18. Billy Boulden
19. Scott Bryan
20. Maria Hoagland
21. Shirley Bahlmann
22. Shelly Brown
23. Marcy Howes
24. Lynnea Mortensen
25. Jaclyn M. Hawkes
26. Diane Stringam Tolley
27. Gail Zuniga
28. Betsy Love
29. iWriteNetwork
30. Canda's InkBlast
31. Stacy Coles

Learn more about October Blog Hop here.

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  1. I love your blog but I think I'll pass on the blog hop this year...I've kind of over extended myself already. Is it annual? If it is, I'll keep it in mind for next year.

  2. Thanks for this giveaway. Looks like a great book. bkhabel--at--gmail--dot--com

  3. Carving Angels? Carving Angels! Is that like carving Ivory Soap? Sounds intriguing. Sign me up, because I'm following you...

  4. I wish I would have got signed up for this blog hop. It is so much fun. I'm so glad I found your blog. It is super cute and has tons of great stuff! I would love to be the winner for this book! Good choice!

  5. Hi Diane! I'm so excited for your book publication and the recent signings you have done! I'd love to win a copy of your book though I'd hoped for a copy to review on my book blog. Either way I just have to read it! We discussed reading it for book club too and everyone wants to know if you'd come for a book discussion in the next few months.
    (Shirley - from our writer's group)

  6. I would love a chance to win this book! What a fun blog! I'm a follower.



  7. I love good books, sign me up!

  8. GFC follower-judy

    Thanks for the giveaway. This looks like a good read. I love the title.


  9. Hey! Already following ... would LOVE to win a copy of your book - the title is really intriguing and if it's written as well as your blog, it'll be a no-brainer bestseller!!

  10. I love books about love, hope and finding joy in living. A granddaughter and grandfather coming together? I look forward to reading it:)

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  11. I like to find new authors to read. Thanks!
    GFC - Gloria

    geschumann at live dot com

  12. would love to win!

  13. This story sounds so different and interesting!

    GFC Follower: figuringoutthesmallstuff

  14. I would love to win a copy of your book. It sounds so good! I am a new follower.

  15. I would love a copy of your book! I'm a new follower.


  16. If it's open internationally, please count me in.
    I'm a GFC follower.


  17. CARVING ANGELS looks wonderful. Yes please!!

    GFC: Mary Preston


  18. I would love to win your awesome book!! Great prize and I am a follower too!! woot woot! =0)dancin_deb2000@yahoo

  19. I would love a new book to read
    velvethubler at yahoo dot com

  20. I would like a chance to win your book! I like your blog too, excited to be a new follower!

  21. I'm a new,international follower. If it's open to international followers as well, would love to win this book! sounds interesting and promising!

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  22. your story of chasing kids at church hit close to home--been there! I would like to win. I'm always excited for a new book
    Jenny Moore

  23. I'm a follower and I loved your story of the escaped diaper suit guy. I would love to win this book.


Thank you for visiting! Drop by again!