Monday, December 5, 2011

Apologies . . .

The Culprit
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to post regularly these past few days.
I'm really missing it, too.
And visiting all of your blogs . . .
But this book-signing tour has kept me so busy that I just haven't had any time.
Plus I've been spending all of my days smiling and being nice to people.
Tough work!
I use up all of my 'nice' before I get back to the apartment . . . :)
But, the end is in sight.
I am going to be on TV tomorrow morning. ABC4, Good Things Utah, sometime between nine and ten AM.
Then I have a signing.
Then another signing on Wednesday.
Then I'm done.
For now.
Wish me luck!!!


  1. Good for you.....a celebrity.

  2. Good luck! I bet you do great! And it is tiring having to smile and be cordial for hour after hour, but I bet you do it with charm.

    I have been so busy lately too... I'm so very behind on my reading. I think I have at least three of your posts I need to catch up on!

  3. Diane, are you a celebrity and I just found out? OMG, have I been in the company of royalty all this time without actually having been aware of it? hee hee! Congratulations on your book signing and tv appearance! It's your rock star moment. Enjoy it! We'll be sitting here pretty, waiting for you to come back! :)

  4. Congrats and best of luck with all your fun, book signings, and tv interviews! You are doing great I'm sure! :)


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