Monday, December 12, 2011

Texting Through Time by Christy Monson

Looking for a good sci-fi story for your tween?
You've found it.
Texting Through Time by Christy Monson.

"When 12-year-old Micah “borrows” his father’s experimental time-travel phone, his hopes for seeing the future are dashed as he and his sister, Alicia, end up trapped in the past at Brigham Young’s boyhood home. This book is a fun way to discover Church history and learn that no matter what time period you are in, God is still aware of you."

I love a good time travel story!
There is something exciting, intriguing and mysterious about exploring the past.
Living the stories of history.
Seeing them become reality.
And that is what happens in Texting Through Time.
Micah and Alicia are trapped in the past with a time-travel device they don't know how to control. As they struggle to understand, they pop through important times in Brigham Young's life, beginning when he was a boy.
Through prayer and faith (and a lot of texting) they discover that their way back home wasn't as impossible as they imagined.
That one can learn a lot when one is trapped in the past.
And sometimes, being in the past isn't as frightening as it first appears.
I loved that the story begins with the need to research Brigham Young and discover just why he became known as the Lion of the Lord.
Research in my past consisted of dragging out heavy, dusty tomes. Then it progressed (happily) to 'Google'.
Maybe time travel is the next logical step?
Thank you, Christy. I will be recommending this to all of my friends seeking 'middle grade' readers!

1 comment:

  1. Diane, I love time travel, both in movies and books! This sounds like a good read even though I'm ages past my "tween" years. In all honesty, I enjoy many young adult books since I find they don't require me to "think" a lot. Great for when I'm on the bus or train! Thanks for sharing! :)


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