Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Don't Eat That! You Don't Know Where It's Been!

Chris. Taste is everything . . .
My parents were travelling and had made a stop in a small town for lunch.
At a tiny hotel restaurant.
They perused (real word) the menu and made selections for themselves and their -then- three children.
This was pre-Diane days.
Oh, the joy that was in store for them!
Soon they would welcome Diane . . .
Where was I?
Oh yes.
They made their order.
And waited.
Suddenly, Mom noticed that my elder sister, Chris, age four or so was chewing happily on something.
She watched her, suspiciously, for a few moments.
Finally, "Chris, what are you chewing?"
My sister looked up at Mom and said, "Gum."
Mom thought about it for a moment.
"Wait a minute. You're chewing on gum?"
"Umm-hmm," Chris said, still chewing.
"I didn't give you any gum." Mom turned to Dad. "Did you give her some gum?"
He shook his head and pulled Jerry out of the sugar bowl. "Enough sugar, son."
"Well where on earth did she get gum?"
"Why don't you ask her?" Dad said. "Jerry, leave the salt and pepper alone."
Mom turned to Chris. "Honey, where did you get the gum?"
Chris slid the wad in her mouth to one side and said, "Here, Mom!"
She pointed . . . under . . . the table.
"There's lots more! You want some?"


  1. Your parents raised a lot of resourceful children, even the yet to be expected Diane. You have to give her credit--she didn't get if off the ground.

    1. You're right, Joanne! A small step. But definitely a step!!!

  2. Surprised she didn't want a small retrieval fee.

    1. I would have! But then, she didn't try to sell dust bunnies either. Which of us was the entrepreneurial genius, you ask? :)

  3. What fabulous dialogue, Diane. :-)


  4. Oh my goodness, Diane! Your parents were never short of entertainment with you kids, were they? And who said kids can't be resourceful? hee hee! :)

    1. Resourceful. Is that what you call it?! You're so much more tactful than I am!!! :>) And entertaining. We can't forget entertaining! :)

  5. Isn't that just the grossest thing? I remember going through that a few times with my own kids! Thank heavens they manage to survive somehow! :)

    1. I always say 'that which doesn't kill you will make you stronger'. (My daughter says 'that which doesn't kill you will make you wish it had!') But I'm not quoting her on my blog. she can get her own!!! :)


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