Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dress Up

Tristan - acting evil.

Our family loves to dress up.
Maybe that's the reason we love theatre so much.
It's legal there . . .
For my husby and I, it started in our respective childhoods.
We carried it, happily, into our own family.
Through the years, any excuse to dress up was instantly seized.
St. Patrick's Day.
As I said, any excuse.
Our costume collection grew apace (real word).
In no time, it outgrew the large cardboard box that I had originally stuffed things into and into its own room.
The kids spent many, many happy hours in that room, playing dress-up.
As they grew, so did their costumes, becoming more elaborate and detailed.
Bunnies, ladybugs and clowns became Elizabethan gowns and chain mail.
And I mean real chain mail.
With gauntlets.
The room that holds the costumes now is bigger than our first living room.
Our neighbourhood has grown accustomed to seeing our family traipsing around, dressed . . . unusually.
It's fun.
And now our grandchildren have caught the spirit.
Sometimes, good things are passed down through the generations . . .
Queen of Hearts

And yes, that's real chain mail. He knits it . . .
Expecting their/our first child/grandchild

A night in Bethlehem

Notice the backpack. Authentic in every way! Not!
My Husby as Teddy Roosevelt
Passing it on to the next generation . . .
Yes. They are PJ's


  1. One fun group of people. How I would love to play in YOUR closet.

  2. I think that is one reason why we get along so well...I love to dress up too....Thanks for posting that last photo....Don't we all look good?
    Love to you and Grant! Hope he is doing well.

    1. Thank you, Dixie! That picture represents one of my favourite memories! I'm so glad you were in it!!! Grant is doing much better. Thank you!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Joanne! Families are such fun, aren't they?!

  4. I loved dressing up as a child too, and got in trouble once for dressing up in my mom's wedding dress. My kiddos are young but they are starting their own collection. For Halloween this year my son wanted to dress up in his sisters bumblebee costume and I let him. He had a blast. Mia wore his dragon costume so they were even! I love when they drag their old costumes out and play dress up. It is such a waste to spend money on something that only gets worn once.

    1. My Mom's wedding dress was off limits, too. (When she could see me . . .) I love to see my kids pull out their old costumes. This Halloween, my granddaughter wore the dragon costumeI made for her Mom. Sigh! How the years go by!

  5. how much fun and so many memories made

    1. Memories . . . I always thing of the line from 'Field of Dreams'. "The memories will be so think thy'll have to brush them away from their faces. They'll feel as though they'd dipped themselves in magic waters." Ahhhh!


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