Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Nutella Protocol

Sometimes, miracles are tasty!

My Husby has been ill.
Scary ill.
We first noticed it in September.
He was . . . tired.
Through October and November, he just couldn't seem to get enough rest.
We attributed it to the fact that he was busy producing yet another play for our drama society.
A stressful job.
To say the least . . .
The play closed on November 21st and we were on the road for a book tour on the 24th.
No time for rest.
By the time we returned home two weeks later, he was very ill.
But he concluded that he was simply overtired and determined to get some real rest.
Which stretched into sleeping twenty hours a day.
And giving up food.
A rather important part of every day, in my mind.
In a two week period, he lost fifteen pounds.
I finally decided to ignore his protestations and made an appointment with our physician.
Who immediately ordered him into emergency.
Where they began pumping blood into him.
The next few days were touch and go as they tried to treat him/determine just what the problem was.
They finally decided that his body was systematically attacking and destroying his blood.
Not good.
Throughout this time, he still wasn't eating.
Nothing appealed.
They finally sent him home from the hospital, but with strict instructions to come back every day for more testing/treatments.
And to start eating.
Still nothing appealed.
Finally, as he was rummaging through the cupboard, he discovered a jar of Nutella, mostly full.
I should mention, here, that Grant lived in France for two years before we were married. Nutella was a habit he brought back with him.
Huh. Holding the familiar jar, it suddenly looked . . . good.
He spread it on a piece of homemade bread and took a bite.
It was good.
Over the next couple of days, he went through that jar of Nutella.
Sometimes spread on a bit of bread.
Sometimes on a banana.
Sometimes with a spoon.
Then he bought more.
And ate those.
He was finally eating.
I don't know what they put in Nutella.
Hazelnuts and chocolate and yumminess.
And, let's face it, if you spread Nutella on a hubcap, I'd eat it.
But there must be some other secret goodness in there, because it brought him back from the brink.
And I do mean brink.
He calls it the Nutella Protocol.
I call it a miracle in a bottle.
It kept his motor running.
Gentlemen, raise your spoons!


  1. Mmmm, Nutella. *drools*
    I'm just super glad to have me poppa still.

    And he also would eat chocolate Timbits... I remember that box disappearing VERY quickly...

  2. Huh... It's funny to me how our bodies always seem to be able find the foods we need to sustain them. I guess I'm going to have to break down and buy a jar and see what the hype is all about! :) Kaeli loves it too. She wanted some in her stocking for Christmas this year. haha I'm so glad he is doing better. I've been worried about you guys!

    1. Thank you, Ginger! It's everyone's prayers and good wishes . . . and Nutella that have kept him with us!

  3. Nutella is so magnificent I don't buy it--I'd eat it with a spoon until the jar was empty. And I hope the docs got to the bottom of the problem and have it in hand.

    1. Yep. Nutella with a spoon. The pure ways are the best ways.

  4. you and I are on the same page.
    Just the other day my skinny husband took tahina (sesame seeds) and molasses. He mixed them together and the result was a......nutella tasting concoction.
    It was soo good and I was so impressed after having some I told him to make more because it has no preservatives.At least I don;t think it does. Do they put preservatives into molasses and Tahina?
    I was going to write a blog on it but you beat me to it. lol

    1. Write your blog anyways! I'd love to read it!!! And I don't think there are any preservatives in molasses. But Tahina? Not so sure . . . I'd still like a taste!

  5. Good Lord girl, I had no idea you were going through a crisis. Thank God for Nutella.

    1. Let's just say 'Amen' to that! Not something I'd like to do again. But as long as there is Nutella . . .

  6. Oh my stars! Had no idea you were going through such a scary trial. Thank goodness for Nutella......I just added it my grocery list. I think I will buy a case for my food storage. Sounds Heavenly through any emergency.

    Prayers are being said for you both. Hope he continues to get back to full recovery soon!

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn! It is now a major item on our shelves as well!!! And thank you for your prayers! They make all the difference!

  7. I've always thought that being able to spread chocolate on bread was kinda decadent. Now I see it's actually life-saving!!! I think I'll start the habit BEFORE I need it ...


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