Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday: Family/Bonanza Night

Tell me you remember . . . sigh!

Yesterday's blog was about fire.
And Bonanza.
And my youngest brother, Blair, reminded me of something that filled us with glee.
When we were kids.
Every Sunday evening.
I should point out, here, that Sundays were family/TV nights.
Our one TV channel outdid itself on that particular evening.
And if we were good . . .
Okay, I admit it, even if we weren't good . . .
We got to watch.
First Disney's Wonderful World of colour.
In black and white and shades of grey.
Then Ed Sullivan.
Then Bonanza.
The best of them all.
The cherry on top of the Sunday . . . well . . . sundae.
Not a sound would be heard.
We barely breathed.
Pa and Adam and Hoss and Little Joe filled the air around us.
There was room for nothing else.
If you wanted to do something noisy . . .
Like blink.
Or swallow.
Do it during the commercials from the Kraft Kitchens.
But the best part . . .
The best part, was the opening: du-duddle-uh-duddle-uh-duddle-uh, Bonanza!
Du-duddle-uh-duddle-uh-duddle-uh, Bonanza is it's name!
We'd 'sing' along happily and wait.
Remember the aforementioned (good word) no breathing.
That would be here, too.
Warning: Hot!
Because the fire was coming.
From the map that burned.
Right there on the screen.
All of us kids would run up and touch the B&W&SOG (see above) flames and then run howling and screaming about the room.
Pretending we had been mortally burned.
Our patient parents would nod and smile and shake their heads and wait for the music to finish.
Because that would be our cue for absolute quiet.
Without either of them having to say a word.
Sunday evening.
With family.
And Bonanza.
It just didn't get any better than that.


  1. You were over there glued to the tv and we were over here glued to the tv...same shows...same reactions.....Do you remember being home from school sick (yeah, right) and waiting for the test pattern to go off and the cartoons to start..and Captain Kangaroo and the Friendly giant?

    1. Oh, Delores, I do! Mom used to turn on the TV and I would sit there. And wait. I think she got smart and turned it on just a bit earlier every day. Then she knew where I was and what I was doing!

  2. I was 13 when we got a TV. I remember Wonderful World of Disney and Davey Crockett. My exciting TV moments were watching Howdy Doody from five to five thirty, at a neighbor's house. Then, straight home for supper. If I had even been allowed to go up the street. That probably was 1949-1950.

    1. I never got to see Howdy Doody. Our channel didn't carry it. I am sadder for it! :)

  3. We gotta right to pick a little fight


    I remember Disney... "In living color..." What gentle times those were!!


    1. Have to look harder today, but they can still be found . . . I think!

  4. I think these were the best days and the best programs. Today no one cares there are children watching.
    I still love Bonanza and my son says why are you watching such old stuff. Life progressed since then. I told him I rather watch this hands down compared to the modern shows,
    We sure grew up in the best of times.

    1. These were gentler stories. Told about gentler times. Oh, there were problems. But the FAMILY worked everything out. I miss this!

  5. Wonderful memories! I had a tiny crush on Adam. Our Sundays would also include the Lawrence Welk show. My sisters and I were enthralled with the bubbles and dancing. Those were the days, lol!

  6. A very sweet memory; I loved it. I so remember moments like this growing up. Thanks for a thoughtful post today.

  7. haha... I love the part about you all touching the screen and running around like you were burned! My kids love Bonanza too... I'm sure I've seen every episode. :)


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