Saturday, April 7, 2012

Only the Nose Knows

Caution: Disgusting nose action
Markie: He of the cute little nose . . .

I'm a good mother.
I am.
Or I thought I was.
It was a normal day in our world.
Husby off to school.
Baby fed and napping.
Toddler in his chair, eating breakfast.
I would add sunshine streaming in through the freshly-cleaned and gleaming windows.
And a canary singing cheerfully in the background, but that would stretch reality.
And we want this to be believable.
Moving on . . .
I turned to get another spoonful of cream-of-wheat.
Just as Markie sneezed.
I turned back.
Something was sticking out of his little nose.
Something long and . . . squarish.
A french fry.
How on earth did he get a french fry up his nose.
And without either his father or I seeing it?!
And, even more importantly . . .
I suddenly felt like the world's worst mom.
My little boy had somehow shoved a french fry up his nose, in plain view of both his father and I and we had missed it.
How do you spell 'inattentive'?
I pulled it out.
My boy survived the operation.
And cheerfully continued with his breakfast.
Little monkey.
But I've never quite been able to look a french fry in the face since.
So to speak.


  1. What is it with kids and noses?

    1. I think they look on them as a sort of extra pocket.

  2. Oh yucky! But that's so funny. I'm totally laughing out loud right now. ha ha I was waiting for you to post that it had some kind of black moldy stuff on it... but you didn't so it must not have been up there very long! :) Trayser made Colten stick an unpopped popcorn kernel in his ear when Colten was about 2 or 3 while Brian and I were on a date. It had to be surgically removed! The poor babysitter. I think she was traumatized for life! I'll have to write about this on my blog... there is more to it. :)

    1. Oh, I can't wait to read it! Mouldy!? Oh, I would have fainted dead away! And your poor little man! Having a popcorn kernel surgically removed. I like popcorn, but that's a little too close, even for me!!!

  3. lol
    That was funny.
    Like the song My Mommy said not to put beans in my ears beans in my ears beans in my ears
    Now why would I want to put beans in my ears Beans in my ears. lol

    1. I loved that song!!! Mom always cautioned me not to eat watermelon seeds. She said I would grow watermelons in my tummy. Hmmmm . . .

  4. Little boogers, aren't they. If we were to watch them every minute we'd have come with more eyes.

    1. Yes. I think that every mom should come specially equipped with eyes in the back of their heads. And four sets of hands.

  5. Diane, the tales I could tell you about the many things my nephews have stuck up their noses! Some, I witnessed and others, I only heard about as my sister shrieked into the phone. The Son never had the urge to stick anything in his nose. I don't know if that makes him smart or weird. hee hee! :)

    1. Yep. I rest my case. Noses are just tiny little extra pockets. And about your son - I'm going to go with smart. Especially because you are my friend! :)

  6. I have six boys and they have all done weird and unexpected things. If one thing is sure it is to expect the unexpected. Haha. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think 'expect the unexpected' is a perfect way to describe six boys!

  7. I guess it's a novel approach to ketchup. :)

  8. Reminds me of a commercial I've seen lately where the little boy is continually back in the ER getting a myriad of things fished out of his ear. Moral of the story, you're not alone in this problem. All moms have missed a french fry or two! :)

  9. I just wonder if that is a boy thing. I've heard lots of stories of things up noses (my hubby is one of 4 boys), but I can't recall many stories of girls doing the same. We have two daughters, and although they did lots they weren't supposed to, I don't remember them stuffing things up their nose.
    I have to laugh at the picture you draw, though!

    1. Definitely a boy thing. Neither of my daughters tried it. Hmmm . . . Another spoke in the wheel of female superiority! :)

  10. Luckily none of my kids pushed anything up their noses besides their fingers (and we unfortunately had too much of that). I do have friends with some funny experiences though. In kindergarten a friend put a Barbie shoe up her nose and her mom had to come get her from school and take her to the doctor for a removal.
    Another friend once thought her son was having sinus pain but the doctor found that he'd stuck a bean up his nose and it sprouted! (Thank heaven's there weren't a few "eyes" on that fry, lol.)
    And the last, when I was in the primary many years ago, one of the little kids shoved a piece of candy cane up her nose. She was screaming because it burned. Her nose was running pink. Needless to say, it melted out.

    I'm glad that this really isn't a determining factor in whether or not we're good parents. Most would fail....Oh! But I wouldn't! :D

    1. A Barbie shoe! Ouch! And a bean that sprouted? Double ouch! My Mom always told us that if we swallowed our watermelon seeds, we'd have watermelons growing out of our ears. Maybe she was onto something . . .
      And that poor girl with the candy cane. Those things burn my tongue! I can only imagine how they'd feel shoved up a tender nose . . .

  11. Oh goody! I have just discovered your site through the NOB hop and I love it! This entry alone had me hook, line, and french fries! (Or sprouted beans! ;) I have three boys of my own, and while they were never ones to put things up their noses, the shenanigans they get into are enough to make anyone crack up--both in the crazy sense and laughter! Looking so forward to reading and sharing more!
    God bless!
    Christy at Cross Moms

    1. Welcome to the neighbourhood, Christy! I look forward to reading about your boys' activities! Blessings back!


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