Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sing We Now While Camping -or - What is your family's most annoying camp song?

With grandchildren

Our family was camping.
With our good friends, the Boyd family.
Something we have done every year.
For the past 24 years.
Rain or shine.
Usually rain.
It involves work.
Setting up trailers and tents for nearly thirty people inevitably includes some sort of exertion.
1.      1.  There is the usual ‘tarp wars’.
Won by whichever family can set up the best, tightest, most wrinkle-free campsite covering.
2.      2.  The leveling of the tents/trailers.
Highly important if some members of the tribe are susceptible to headache.
Inevitably brought on by sleeping with one’s head tilted below one’s feet.
3.      3.  And the choosing of the ‘Boydolley’ camp song.
This is very important.
It has to be the most aggravating, annoying, ‘stick in your head’ song imaginable.
We’ve had such treasures as: ‘Oh, How I Love to Stand’.
And: ‘Hi! My Name is Joe!’
Plus the ever-popular: ‘Ninety-Nine Bottles of Non-Alcoholic Beverage on the Wall’.
And who can forget: ‘Jon Jonson’?
Seriously, who can forget it . . .?
And then there’s the year that the Grandkids were finally old enough to get involved.
And vote.
What did they choose?
What classic would take its rightful place in history?
Was it something momentous?
It was ‘Slithery Dee’.
The classic song featuring a monster that comes out of the sea and eats everyone.
Perfect camp fare.
For a family camped beside a lake.
Moving on . . .
There were various versions.
Depending largely on the age and capability of the singer.
Megan, the eldest could sing it quite well, “Oh, Slithery-Dee!”
Right behind her was Kyra, “Oh, Swivery-Dee!”
And then there was the youngest talker, Odin, “Oh, Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee!”
They sang it by the hour.
And I do mean By. The. Hour.
Until . . . THE EVENT.
It was early afternoon.
Lunch had just finished.
Grandma (me) was lying on the bed in our tent trailer, telling stories to as many of the grandkids as would lay there and listen.
At nearest count – several.
Then they asked to sing ‘Slithery-Dee’.
I complied.
We were just getting through the first verse, wherein (good word) Megan had been eaten.
Then we were interrupted.
I should tell you, here, that our little tent trailer consists of a central square block.
With three wings/beds.
Each wing is covered by the main canvas, which hooks under said wing.
Canvas that can be . . . unhooked.
Without the person, or persons, on the wing knowing anything about it.
Back to my story . . .
Where were we?
Oh, yes.
End of first verse.
Unbeknownst (another good word!) to us, my Husby had unhooked the canvas immediately below us.
Just as we started to sing, “Oh, Slithery-Dee!”, a hand and arm reached up through the wall of the trailer and grabbed the nearest grandchild.
Who promptly screamed.
Inciting an immediate riot.
Grandma and grandchildren boiled out of the trailer like angry bees.
Then, realizing what had happened, started to laugh.
After we beat on Grandpa.
Every minute a new adventure.
What does your camp song do for you?


  1. I wish Steve and the girls and I could go camping with you guys lately; we have several songs that are perfect for getting stuck in your head...

  2. I want to go camping with you....

    1. You are definitely invited. Bring your own song . . .

  3. That grandpa is a perfect slithery monster. And, I bet those kids keep an eye on him in future.

    1. Yep. They keep a close eye on their Grampa. Never know what he'll do next . . .

  4. What wonderful camp memories and that photo with the hammock makes me laugh since it looks like everyone is on the ground swinging in the hammock! :) Thanks for linking up another great story and memory at NOBH! O, how I have missed escaping into your world by reading your posts! Such fun memories!

    1. Thank you, Tracy! It think that hammock was just barely off the ground! A couple more grandchildren and they would have truly bottomed out! Thanks for visiting!!!

  5. I laughed so hard!! That sounds just like my dad! He once set a sprinkler off on a group of 10- 7 yr old girls at a slumber party on the deck... You can imagine the screams at midnight or so... :)

    1. Don't tell my Husby! It'll give him ideas. Such great ideas . . . :)

  6. camping is so much fun.
    We also made good memories sitting beside camp fires chasing mosquitoes away.
    You made some nice memories with the grand parents lol

    1. Yep. We raise mosquitoes here in Alberta. they have been known to carry off small children . . . Gotta love camping!

  7. LOL!!! That's so funny! I love camping stories! Whenever I want to get a song stuck in my kids' heads I always start a round of, "Beans, Beans, the magical fruit..." ha ha

    I hope you gave that dear husby of yours a good slug in the arm! It sounds like he deserved it! :)

    1. Oh no! Now I've got THAT song stuck in my head!!! I'm so suggestible . . . And yes, he did get a slug in the arm. Several, in fact!

  8. We don't have a camping song. But every August we go with 50 of our closest friends camping. We have a theme night where you must dress accordingly and bring a dish to share. Last year was neon--yes we had neon mashed potatoes. This year it is pick a country. You have to dress in ethnic attire and provide a dish from that country.

    Should be interesting


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