Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How Do You Take Your Milk?

Not for the shy or faint of heart . . .

Recently, there had been a lot of press about women nursing their babies.
Usually because it has been carried to extreme lengths.
I nursed my babies.
And loved doing it.
But this isn't a commentary about that.
Though it is about 'extremes'.
Maybe I should explain . . .
A veterinarian friend of my father's had stopped in for a chat.
An immigrant from the UK, he was very fond of his tea.
My father offered him a cup.
Uncharacteristically, he declined.
With a slight shudder.
Dad stared at his friend.
What could possibly have put Dr. Ilovemytea off his favourite beverage?
He realized that he had aroused Dad's curiosity.
An explanation was in order.
He told Dad that he had just come from a vet call to a farm at the furthest border of his practice.
'Out in the sticks', you might say.
His veterinarian business had been concluded.
And successful.
Hoping to prolong what was, to her, the highlight of a normally solitary day, the woman of the household had invited Dad's friend into her front room for a visit.
She had recently given birth to a fine son.
And was anxious to share her story with someone.
All was well.
She and baby were thriving.
Baby was nursing well and growing rapidly.
The woman offered the doctor a quick cup of tea before he began the long trek back to town.
Happily, he accepted.
The tea was brewed.
The woman brought it in and set it in front of her guest.
“Would you like milk?” she asked.
Dad's friend said that, indeed, yes, he would love milk.
Whereupon (good word) the woman flipped out a breast and squirted some milk into the doctor's tea.
He blinked.
Well . . . at least it was fresh.
As the story unfolded, Dad burst into laughter.
“So, did you drink it?” he asked his friend.
“Of course,” the doctor said.
“How was it?”
“Well, it tasted just fine,” he said. “Put me off a bit. But tasted fine.”
“Well,” Dad said, “You're braver than I am!”
Tea, anyone?


  1. No way! Are you serious?! I think your story trumps all the ones I've read this morning in the news. lol.

    1. Now that you mention it, I think this story BELONGS on the news! Eep! :)

  2. Wow. Just... wow.

    Even moms today I don't think are that... forward...

  3. I'm speechless...and that doesn't happen very often.

  4. I'm sure that story beats the one I wrote for the family book about the milk cow with hardware disease...

    1. What's wrong with that milk?! There's nothing wrong with that milk! It tastes just fine!

  5. Oh my! I'm with Delores--I'm speechless! Kudos to the good vet for being so accommodating. If it were me, I'm afraid my tea days would be over! hee hee! :)

  6. I loved nursing and I did it with both my children but never would I think to do something so strange and odd as this woman. WOW

    1. I nursed all my babies and loved it, too. But I sure wasn't that anxious to share with anyone else . . .

  7. Oh Wow.
    So awesome.
    Don't really have words for this one :)
    Um...incredibly happy to have visited you as usual though.
    K @ The Chuppies/NOBH

    1. I know. It left me pretty much speechless as well! :)


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