Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Honey Bunny

He is a Honey Bunny!

I admit it.
I call my Husby names.
Maybe I should explain . . .
My Husby was serving on a church committee.
With several other men.
One of which worked as a police detective in his real life.
Tough guy to the world.
Sweet and kind underneath.
It was evening.
After supper but not yet bed time.
The phone rang.
I answered.
What followed was, to me, a fairly mundane conversation.
“Hi, Diane. Is Grant there?” I recognized the voice of our friend, the police detective.
“He is! Would you like to talk to him?”
“Just a moment!” I turned and hollered.
Okay, yes, I do that . . .
“Honey Bunny!”
Grant answered.
From somewhere in the bowels of the house.
“You're wanted on the phone!”
He appeared.
Took it from me.
There was a pause. Then, “Are you a Honey Bunny?”
I saw my Husby's face turn slightly pink.
Here was his good friend, the policeman.
Tough guy extraordinaire.
What should he say?
He looked at me and rolled his eyes. “Yes,” he admitted finally.
His friend laughed. “Good,” he said. “So am I.”
Even the most unlikely . . .


  1. Hahaha, too funny... I always call David Baby... I am sure that would be embarrassing if any of his army friends heard, lol

    1. I can just see the reaction! Except that they'd probably be envious on the inside! :)

  2. I have been known to call my husband Honey Pumpkin Rose. :)

  3. Once a man is married his pride goes out the door with the garbage every night.

    1. I'm going to mention the 'garbage going out the door' in conjunction with my Husby. He still hasn't realized it's his job yet! :)

  4. Aw, that's sweet. My Best Friend's husband calls her Hunny Bunny.

    1. Oooh! I like that spelling better! Hunny Bunny. It even sounds better! :)

  5. I will chuckle and feed on that all day!

  6. LOL on this one! My son is a detective too and has a tough side and a very soft inside. My term is sweetpea.
    Thanks for the laugh and smiles.

    1. Oh, that's so . . . sweet! Sweetpea! So expressive. Love it!


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