Monday, July 9, 2012

The Kindling

I was never the victim of bullies in grade school.
But there were kids that didn’t like me.
And at times, I wished ‘nasty’ on them.
Trip in public.
Drop all of their books.
Say something really, really stupid.
Somehow, lighting their gym shorts on fire would have been so much more appropriate.
And infinitely more fun.
And, incidentally, that’s how Braden Bell’s new book, The Kindling starts out.
With the bully leaping and hopping around, trying to beat out his flaming gym shorts.
And it just keeps on going from there.
The Kindling takes us, together with thirteen-year-olds Conner, Lexa and Melanie, on a non-stop roller-coater ride of Magic and mayhem with a large dollop of Adventure (notice the capital 'A') with some good old rock'em, sock'em fighting to the finish between the forces of Light and Dark.
What would you do if you discovered that you were a magic-wielding defender of the Light?
Who could call up flames.
Explode someone’s lunch.
Fight the forces of Dark.
Avoid strange-looking stalkers.
And still make it to Dr. Timberi’s third period music class.
Written mainly for middle readers, The Kindling will satisfy the craving for adventure in all who succumb to the pull of its great cover.
Because it is one fantastic, never-ending ride!
The Kindling raises three important questions:
1. Has the destructive power of pizza ever really been tested?
2. Did anyone know that middle school teachers could turn out to be your best friends/army buddies?
3. When's the next book?

The Kindling is available for purchase.
Some background on the story, and the author, Braden Bell:


  1. Thank you, Diane! Wonderful review.

  2. I'm sure we've all wished at times that we had magic powers. Remember the cool, nasty girls in high school. I used to wish their garters would let go in public. with that princess.

    1. Oh, that made me laugh!!! We truly are kindred spirits!

  3. If the book can live up to your review I'll love it. Stories are so much more fun when they're about kids.

  4. Haven't all of us, either at a young age or at a not-so-young age, sometimes magically wished for a mysteriously just outcome to immediately fall upon the wrongdoer? It sounds like a great book!

    1. I remember in school, wishing some terrible calamity on someone who just snubbed me. Sigh.

  5. Thanks for the review. I'm sure my son would really like this one, so would I, lol!

    1. It is a wonderful 'clean' read for young and old alike, Lynda!

  6. Sounds like a good one for Colten to read! I'll remember that for his next book report! Thanks!

    1. He'll love it! Braden Bell is a fantastic LDS author. Good fun and good values in his books!


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