Saturday, July 14, 2012

The SunSet Date

Just the two of us.

My Husby believes in date night.
A least once a week.
He and me.
In our earlier, more penurious days we got creative.
In nice weather, long walks.
Around town. Along the river bottom.
Sometimes, we'd wander through the mall, just looking.
Occasionally buying a hot chocolate or ice cream cone to share.
Going grocery shopping.
Having an evening picnic.
Wonderful times.
As we near retirement, dating consists of movies, dinners, theatre and concerts.
Still fun.
As long as we're together.
A couple of evenings ago, my Husby's truck broke down.
He pulled into the nearest parking lot.
Called for a tow-truck, and then called me to come and bring him home.
I arrived long before said tow-truck.
Looooong before.
Together, we waited.
Nearby were several formal restaurants.
And an A&W.
Not wanting to leave the truck until help deigned to arrive, Grant suggested that one of us run across the street to the fast food outlet and grab a couple of burgers.
I volunteered.
Between you and I, I'd rather do that then instruct a tow-truck driver if and when he decided to show up.
Ahem . . .
I returned.
We ate.
Have I mentioned that the world looks better on a full tummy?
Well, it does.
We talked and laughed.
Sitting on the tailgate of the truck in the warm sun.
And the cool summer breeze.
Oh, we both had places we needed to be.
Things that needed doing.
But, for that moment, all that was important were a couple of burgers.
The tailgate of our truck.
The warm summer evening.
And the two of us.
Re-discovering the perfect date.
In our sunset years.


  1. Yikes...if you and Grant are in the sunset years--does that put us BEYOND the sunset--didn't somebody write a song about that??? Hope the truck wasn't too serious. Shirley Jorstad

    1. I think the sun has gone right round and is rising again! :)

  2. Yep, you understand about enjoying the small little things that are really the big things :)

    (sorry about his truck)


    1. Thank you, Lesa! Fortunately, the truck wasn't too serious!

  3. That's always nice to do.
    Keeps you remembering who you are AS A couple before family comes in between lol

  4. Finding joy together in the road-bumps of life--what a beautiful moment.

  5. Diane,
    My husband and I try to do date nights, too! We used to be really great at doing them once/week when we had a great sitter, but when we moved, it made it a little the boys were at school, once a week, we would plan a day date! It usually consisted of lunch together out...There is no doubt that our "dates" are a critical key to our family happiness and our marriage. When I see how much fun you and your husband have, it confirms we are on the right track!
    Love and God Bless, friend!

    1. I am so happy to hear about your day-date. Novel, inspired! You are definitely on the right track! Blessings to you, my friend!

  6. Sounds like a perfect date to me too! I loves those kind the best. :) Too bad we don't live a little closer so we could go on a double date! :)

    1. I would SO love that! And simple dates ARE the best!

  7. Yes, so often the best moments are those that just happen.

  8. I love those kind of dates, one of my best memories of when David was home was when we drove around the city with hot chocolate, looking at all the beautiful Christmas lights, I will never forget how close we were must driving and talking, it was wonderful:)


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