Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When Mom DOESN'T Know Best

My future Husby and I were preparing for our wedding.
It had been a painless process to this point.
We were standing in the Men's Wear shop.
The best one in Lethbridge.
Husby-to-be was dressed inn a new suit.
Light blue.
Spiffy. (real word)
He looked fantastic.
It was the 70s.
Styles were . . . unusual.
I loved this new, light-blue suit.
I thought it would look fantastic with a dark blue shirt and a light tie.
Now, I should explain here that Husby-to-be had spent his whole life, and particularly the last two years in a dark suit, white shirt and dark tie.
He never noticed how the rich and famous and photographed were dressed.
Never caught a glimpse of the 'fashion' ads.
Dark suit, white shirt and dark tie were what a young man wore.
Every young man.
His wife-to-be was just a touch more daring.
I had seen the fashion ads.
Had glanced through the Movie Star magazines.
I knew Husby-to-be would look amazing in a light suit, dark shirt and light tie.
Like the men in the Godfather.
In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have mentioned that.
I had gotten him into the suit.
But there, all progress had stopped.
He stared suspiciously at the dark shirt I was holding up.
And the light tie.
Finally, he uttered the words that every husby-to-be learns, sooner or later, NOT to say.
Those fateful words that draw a neat line between pre-marriage days and post-marriage days.
“I'll ask my mom what she thinks.”
I'm sure the look on my face spoke volumes.
Because he immediately recognized he had said something wrong.
He wasn't sure what, but . . . definitely wrong.
He did wear the light suit.
But with a white shirt and dark tie.
All totally without any input from his mom.
Compromise at its best.


  1. My hubs favourite line was, "What does your Mom say about it?".

  2. LOL! So funny.

    Good thing the boy learns quick. ; )

  3. First of all ... I love finding Canadian Bloggers!! Whohooo

    Second your post is CLASSIC and made me giggle out loud ... Oh how those words can cause fire to burst forth from our heads ... lol

    Three ... I love that your 'husby' (brilliant word) didn't know what he had done!!

    Loved my visit here today!

    1. Thank you. Thank you. and Thank you! I'm so happy you stopped by!

  4. When my sister married her husband in the mid '80's, she took a closet full of said outfits, unworn in ten years, to Goodwill. Ah, fashion. We all look good in the moment.

  5. lol Well why not ask Mom?
    What I find funny especially with my son, was that he was told by his soon to be wife not to listen to me. lol
    Listen to her.WITH HER GUIDANCE he will have a chance to be himself. lol
    Ahhh.......did I miss something?
    I thought a Mom's job was to raise MEN who knew how to think for themselves????
    My mistake. lol

    1. I guess we raise men who know how to think like their wives! :)

  6. When Kristi got married I went to the suit store to buy a new suit for the occasion. Kenz went with me to help advise. I came out with (2) suits, (4) shirts, (4) ties, countless socks, beltt and (2) pair of shoes. I said that I disagreed but those words were somehow ignored.

    1. Extensive and expensive advice. But we both have to admit - she knows her stuff!


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