Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sharing a Treasure

A guest post at the behest of my Husby.  :)

Please excuse my intrusion into your life today — I do it only because I wanted to share a great treasure with you, a treasure with which you are already familiar.  Allow me to explain.  Diane is too modest to do this herself.

About a year ago, I was not feeling very well.  Things got progressively worse until, on New Year’s Day 2012, I checked into the hospital via a zoo-like emergency room. Over the next several days I discovered what it was like to be a blood recipient rather than a 100+donor — and I had many long hours, betwixt and between several dozen poking-and-prodding-and-traipsing-around-inside-of-me medical tests, to contemplate where I was heading.

Some time before this I had begun writing a quirky little book that had been based on a birthday gift some years previous that I had written for my beloved Diane — yes, she whose wonderful and mostly-true blog posts you come here to read every day.  I realized that, given my new physical circumstances, I needed to finish my tribute to her, as quickly as possible.  So I spent many hours, among the poking and prodding and the sleepless nights, putting some of my thoughts down.

I would like to share those thoughts with you, only so that you too may come to know my Beloved Diane a little better.  She is worth getting to know.

Thanks to Diane’s great writing and editorial and journalistic skills, she has just put my scribblings up online as an e-book.  Please go to Smashwords at, and check out the title How to Live With A Woman of the Opposite Sex — or, All the Secrets of the Universe Unveiled in One Little Book.  I regret that it will cost you five bucks to have a peek at it, but I guarantee that you will find a greater treasure therein: the love story that is my Diane.

Thank you for your indulgence of my intrusion today. May each of you continue to enjoy my Diane, wherever and however you may find her.  She is a Treasure that I want to share with the world, whether I am in it or not.

Grant Tolley


  1. Heading over right this very minute...and may I also glad you are still with us.

  2. Definitely worth the five bucks!

  3. He's a keeper Diane! {But I am sure I don't need to tell you that. ; D }

    I agree with the previous commenter, Grant. Glad you made it through and are still here. I can't imagine what a huge trial that must of been.

    1. Thank you Lynn! I think so too!
      Thank you, Lynn. Never thought I'd be seeing things from the other side of the hospital cot.

  4. I love how he says my Diane, that is how I think of my David... this was beautiful:)

  5. For just a second, I was actually scared that something had just happened!!

    What a lovely man you have.


    1. Scared us too! A little to close for comfort.
      Thank you, Pearl!


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