Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time Enough at Grandma's

Some of our treasures . . .

Many of our children have settled near us.
I can have grandchildren over whenever I want.
I'm bragging here.
Yesterday, several of my little 'monkey tribe' were over for a visit.
We laughed and giggled.
Ate bananas.
Created works of art with stickers.
And had sword fights.
It was here that we came to grief.
But not in the way you may imagine.
Let me explain . . .
Their mother dropped them off to play at Grandma's while she ran some errands.
All was well.
We played upstairs.
We moved our play downstairs.
Swords came out of the toy box.
Okay, yes. They play with swords.
Would it help if I said that they were constructed of foam?
Moving on . . .
The two oldest had just squared off against each other.
And Mom came around the corner.
Four-Year-Old's mouth dropped open.
“Mom!” he said indignantly. “We just got started playing!”
Apparently, there's an acceptable length of time when one is playing at Grandma's house.
Brief is definitely not enough.
It's a very good thing.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can just see it too!

  2. Darn old Mom..crashing the party.

  3. Going to have some grandkid time this afternoon. Looking forward to it.

  4. I LOVE this picture of you both with your grandkids in your PJ's... (knowing your Christmas tradition)... I can't wait until I can have kids having sword fights at my house! I'm missing my babies so much right now! I'm never good at in-between's. :)

    1. I'm like you. Always in a hurry for the next stage. I'm enjoying it now! We have lots of sword action in our house. One day, I had to rescue my dogs. My 18-month-old granddaughter was beating them over the head with a sword. (Foam sword, but there you are) They were such good dogs, they just closed their eyes and let her, and in between blows, looked at me tragically. It was too funny.

  5. You are so, so fortunate to have your little ones close by. i loved having the grand kids when their parents weren't there--then you could pretend you were the only one in their life. That is until you got tired--then the parents could have them back.... Shirley Jorstad

    1. I love it! Get them sugared up and wound up and then SEND THEM HOME!!! Genius!

  6. Did Mom leave and come back again. Wishful four year old thinking, anyway.

  7. How cute, it's nice to know how much your grandchildren love you:)


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