Monday, November 19, 2012

Don't You Wish You Were Here?

My Husby and I are on Holiday.
In beautiful BC. (British Columbia)
We are having a marvellous time.
Did you know that holidays make you younger?
Let me explain.
My Husby and I were married early.
I was 20. He was 21.
We had our first baby just before our first anniversary.
Our second followed eighteen months later.
And our third two years after our second.
We were . . . busy.
It wasn't until our third son was eleven months old that we were able to take our first vacation.
Okay, it wasn't a real vacation.
It was a conference.
But it was in beautiful Halifax. The jewel of Canada's East coast.
And my Husby's ticket was paid for.
All we had to cover were my expenses.
That was as close to a vacation as we were going to get.
For three days, while Husby was at his various meetings, my baby and I spent our time in the comfortable hotel room.
Exploring the many sites of old Halifax.
Or eating.
On the final day of the conference, a gala banquet and ball had been planned.
The hotel supplied us with a baby-sitter.
And I was free to join my Husby for wonderful food and a table full of scintillating (Oooh! Good word!) company.
We ate and talked and laughed.
Partway through the evening, my Husby leaned close and said something to me.
I giggled and kissed his nose.
Then one of the women at the table sighed and said, “I just love newlyweds!”
I smiled at her.
And thought of my almost-one-year-old upstairs with the babysitter.
And my four-year-old and three-year-old at home with gramma.
I had been married five years.
And spent much of that time either pregnant or nursing.
I felt ancient.
And this woman thought I was a newly-wed.
I could draw only one conclusion.
It was because I was on holiday.
It must have been.
Who needs creams and surgery to erase the the years?
I know of something cheaper.
And infinitely more fun.
Here's to holidays.


  1. Just not doing the cooking and cleaning for a few days will take years off you.

  2. What are these 'holidays' of which you speak?

  3. My wife and I were on a trip in our antique car. Kenz commented on all that seat space (occupied by a couple of water bottles and a bag of junk food) between us. She immediately picked up the goodies, slid over and placed the goodies next to the door. At the first stop, people commented that we acted like newlyweds. Kenz thanked them and said that we had been together for a few years but were still newlyweds at heart.

  4. Holidays with babysitting thrown in are great for the ego, it's amazing how young you feel without children around your feet while you eat dinner.

  5. Oh that is a good way to stay young by vacationing but I think it has something to do with the giggling and the kissing part:) B

  6. Awe this is beautiful Diane and yes Halifax is beautiful, hence why I have lived her almost all my life. I would only leave it to live elsewhere if it was for my David... no one else could make me leave.

    This was a beautiful and romantic story Diane:)


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