Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Blinking Family

Don't blink!

Way, way too scary . . .
For the past few days, we have been visiting with our daughter and son-in-law.
We've had a wonderful time.
Making puzzles.
Playing games.
And they have introduced us to the TV show, Dr. Who.
Yes I know that most of you will have seen this program.
I know I had certainly heard of it.
But I had never actually sat down and watched it.
Our daughter chose, for our first experience, an episode called, “Blink”.
A story of statues that come to life when you aren't looking at them.
And do terrible things to you.
It was, in a word, scary.
Truly frightening.
Chilling enough that I watched the entire thing snuggled close to my Husby.
And holding his hand.
Okay, so . . . brave, I'm not.
Through the last half of the episode, I had to visit the 'little girl's room'.
But was watching the screen so attentively that I . . . didn't.
Once the show had finished, I shivered, then turned on every light as I made my hasty way down the hall.
A few seconds later, much refreshed, I opened the door.
And this is what was sitting on the floor directly in my path.

I screamed.
And heard loud answering laughter from the family room.
I hate my family.


  1. makes you think doesn't anything REALLY inanimate????????

  2. lol
    Sometimes statues take on a life of their own lol

  3. Haha, that's a nice story. :)
    I remember feeling the same after watching this Doctor Who episode 3 or 4 years ago. Even now, I still instinctively fear the weeping angels when I pass near a statue.

  4. My Lord! Ms. Alice, from 3rd grade! That's a nightmare!

  5. That is one of the scariest episodes and I think your family were mean to put that little goblin in your path straight after seeing Blink.
    I remember the original Dr Who shows that I saw aged 12.
    William Hartnell was The Doctor back then.

  6. HAhaha! Sorry, laughing at another's misfortunes isn't kind, is it?! But as a Dr Who devotee, I've seen the episode of which you speak, and it scared me rigid too! Lucily, no one around me had the presence of mind to add props to the bathroom ...

  7. Oh our family can find humor even in our embarrassments:)

  8. Your family is so crazy! love that they 'got' you. Thanks for linking up with us at No Ordinary Blog Hop. Every blessing, Kelly

  9. I had to laugh out loud at this story! One night I told my roommate all about the episode "Blink" with those statues following you. Then her eyes grew big and she pointed behind me, saying she saw a statue.

    There was no statue. I jumped about a foot in the air anyways. :P


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