Monday, December 17, 2012

An Unexpected Angel

Ella Davies hates Christmas and everything about it.
But she didn't always.
There was a time when Ella loved Christmas.
Until one horrifying night that would change a young girl's life forever.
Work and solitude offer her comfort now.
Work and solitude and a simple system of never caring too much.
But an encounter with a young grocery clerk on Christmas eve starts Ella on a journey that will take her into the vastly different lives of several very special people.
And give her the opportunity to be the angel that these people so desperately need.
And one of those needy people just might be her.

I loved this story.
It is a tale of discovery, courage, compassion and love.
Beautifully, tenderly told, it touches the heart just the way a Christmas story should.
And clearly illustrates that the best way to find our own heart is to give it to someone else.
Bring tissues!

Ella Davies hates Christmas. Every year she spends the holidays working, trying to forget the pain of a childhood tragedy that left her all alone. But this season, Ella’s about to learn something only an angel could teach her. This modern twist on a Christmas classic will remind you that the best gifts of all are the loved ones you learn to treasure!
Meet the Author:
Janet Halling discovered her love of writing at the age of six when her story of a lonely duck won a first grade writing contest. She has a BA in Marketing Communications and lives with her husband and four children in northern Utah. She is currently working on her next novel.


  1. Oh gosh. I cry enough. Sounds like a good book lol

  2. Diane, this sounds like a beautiful story! And perfect for the holiday season. I'm hoping to be able to catch up on my reading this holiday season. It seems like there is never enough time to do the things we really love to do. I'm working on this not being the case! Hugs! :)


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