Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Has Arrived! Almost . . .

Last night, we invited a bunch of the grandkids over to help Gramma and Grampa bring in Christmas.
It was . . . fun.
Though many of said grandkids suffer from an extremely short attention span.
We did manage to get the tree up, largely due to the efforts of one daughter-in-law.
And decorated.
Gramma was over digging through the boxes.
Alternately exclaiming and wiping tears.
As always, getting out the decorations is a trip down memory lane.
Old and fragile works of art made by little fingers from as long as thirty-five years ago.
Many no longer able to be safely hung on the tree, but enjoyed only from their places of refuge.
For example, popcorn on a string doesn't last.
Just FYI.
I love Christmas!
This is what we finally managed to accomplish . . .
Gramma's Village

You can't see them all, but there are 22 stockings there. And more on the way . . .

What's Christmas without a mantel . . .

. . . or Santa's laundry?
Christmas Buddies                        

And just because we're Tolleys (Yeah, I don't get it either . . .)

And the main event!

And then I got to sleep with Santa!

Don't you just love Christmas?!


  1. Big thank you! To Delores from The Feathered Nest for the promt for today's blog! You're the best!

  2. The Christmas village tree is fabulous. Your home looks so warm and inviting.

  3. Love the little village and that you were able to gather your little grandchildren together to share in the fun. That's so wonderful!

  4. I love Christmas... I adore all your decorations :)

  5. oh my goodness! Santa lives at your house!
    I love the Village and Santa's laundry.

  6. That is a LOT of stockings! It all looks so nice, and what a chuckle I got from the ending to the story :)

  7. The grandkids spent all their time settIng up the nativity sets. Of course, by setting up I mean play with and fight over. The 'Lego Jesus' (Playmobil) set was quite popular!


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