Saturday, December 1, 2012

I Know What You Did Last Friday . . .

A few years ago, my Husby, a slightly Santa-esque man, was asked to play Santa Claus at a local party.
He discovered that he loved it.
The rest of us discovered that he was very good at it.
A new career was born.
He offered to pay for the materials for a, to put it into his words, nice suit.
I complied.
The next Christmas, he asked if I would be willing to make myself a matching 'Mrs. Santa' outfit.
After a bit of head-scratching and a trip to the fabric store, I again did as he requested.
Mrs. Santa appeared.
And the two of us have had fun with it ever since.
Each year, our portrayal of the famous couple gets a little more . . . detailed.
This year, he began to grow out his hair.
In August.
Then we made a trip to the hairdresser to get him, and myself, dyed white.
Oh, the sacrifices he makes!
The breathing apparatus and nose plugs were his idea!
Definitely lighter . . .

But the rewards are incalculable.


  1. You guys look great! I wish I lived close enough to bring my children to see you! Merry Christmas :)

  2. You make a beautiful Mr and Mrs Santa Claus. Is part of your tradition at these do's to read portions of your Christmas books?

    1. What a great idea! I'll have to think about that one - it would certainly give me something else to do! Right now, I'm just there for the hugs! :)

  3. That is awesome! I bet those kids, who live near you think they are lucky enough to live in the North Pole where you are. I bet they are tickled pink.

    P.S. You two make the perfect Mr. And Mrs. Claus. LOVE your outfits! Gorgeous! You are one of many talents. My hats off to you. ; )

    1. It was so funny. We were sneaking down the hallway, still dressed in our regular street clothes and some kids saw us and screamed, "Santa's here already!" Oops! It is so much fun!

  4. You guys are awesome... Can I just say that? :)

    Your suits are so nice. You did a beautiful job on both of them. And you make such a nice Santa and Mrs. Santa. I love it!

  5. What a beautiful story Diane, lovely pictures:)


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