Saturday, January 12, 2013

Building Castles in the . . . Front Room

I have a Ballista. And I know how to use it!

We have castles.
In our front room.
Two of them.
Because how can you have a proper siege or battle unless you have more than one castle?
Moving on . . .
Our grandchildren love them.
There is seldom a time when they are not crouched over the one or the other, hatching plans and enacting scenarios.
They are a joy to watch.
Our two-year-old had nabbed one of the ‘ballista’.
A siege engine that shot, not one, but six soft-tipped projectiles in quick succession.
All one had to do was rotate the main trunk to expose the next missile to the firing mechanism.
Not complicated.
Unless one is two.
She carried it to her dad.
And held it up.
Then silently gave him a handful of projectiles.
Let’s face it, it’s hard to do a lot of explaining when one has a soother in one’s mouth.
Obligingly, he loaded her little machine and handed the unit back to her.
Happily she grabbed it and scampered away.
“Does she know how to use that?” I asked.
A ‘flame’ tipped missile flew past.
“I guess she does,” he said.
It’s all in how you’re raised . . .
Castle #1 - The Good/Bad guys

Castle #2 - Ditto


  1. Wait til she can load it'll have no advance warning.

  2. At first glance I thought that was full-sized!

    Sounds like your grandkids play well together.

  3. I remember when we used to do the same thing... with the couch cushions and some blankets! And sometimes even the LEGO!

  4. Whenever I see or hear about castles I think about Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam (the black knight) trying to get possession of the castle. Bugs is inside and Sam tries to launch himself with the catapult. I can still see that wall stone give just a bit beside where Bugs is standing...

  5. My kids had soft tipped missiles that fired from plastic guns. They were banned from the house and only allowed to be used outside and never aimed at faces.


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