Thursday, January 24, 2013


Okay. They may look a little funny.
But we're still glad they're back!

Our youngest daughter and her family recently moved back to Edmonton from the west coast.
They had been away for far too long.
It was cause for celebration.
So everyone came over to . . . celebrate.
I should probably explain here that when all of our kids and their families gather, we number twenty-five people.
Twelve of whom are under the age of ten.
Organized confusion.
Generally, the parents and very youngest members gather in the front room upstairs to chat.
The oldest of the grandkids flee to the basement.
Where the toys are.
Now these kids are used to being together.
And treat each other like siblings.
Getting along fabulously for the most part.
With occasional bouts of tears and irritation.
It was a fairly normal evening.
Adults – visiting.
Kids downstairs – playing.
Someone started to cry.
Our six-year old came running up the stairs.
“Someone’s crying!” he announced.
Needlessly, I might point out.
I looked at him. “Who is crying?”
Now, my daughter’s family hadn't been around for some time. While the rest of his cousins were decidedly well known to this young man, her daughter was not.
He handled the confusion well.
“That baby, who I have no idea who she is!”
Ah. Identification complete.
Maybe we should put that on her birth certificate.


  1. Oh Diane, thanks for the giggle. I could just see (and hear) this. I should write down all the various ways my children have described and identified those they do not know well. Yes, even those in their own family. Gotta love children! Always happy to visit you here . . . smiles -

  2. They are SO ingenious! And they always get the idea across! So happy to have you visit, Amy!

  3. Oh, my sides! I ache! Trust a six-year-old to be blunt and to the point! Even when he's vague...

  4. I know a family that should wear pumpkins on their heads as it would greatly improve their appearance...

    1. Hmmm . . . I think I know a number of people like that . . .

  5. Well put, young man. What a great gathering!

  6. How nice of him, though, to alert you to the distress of who he didn't know who she was!

    1. That's our boy! Rushing to the aid of a damsel in distress, even though she was only 15 months old!


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