Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oh, Sleep, Where Art Thou?

I just woke up from a fair night’s sleep.
For me ‘fair’ is as good as it gets.
And I know because, once, I had a fantastic sleep.
The best sleep of my life.
It happened when I was eight.
Let me tell you about it . . .
Dad had taken my brothers . . . somewhere.
Exactly where they went is blurry.
The important point is that they were away. And that their wonderful bunkbed in the bedroom next to mine stood empty.
I should mention here that I had long coveted their beds. They were made of beautiful, solid maple and were soooo comfortable.
But I digress . . .
My older sister, Chris, and I saw an opportunity for some fun and adventure.
We’d stay the night in our brothers’ beds!
Okay, I admit it. We didn’t have a very exciting life.
Moving on . . .
Chris took the upper bunk and I snuggled into the lower.
We talked and laughed.
Mom made a couple of visits to the doorway to threaten to separate us and finally to *shudder* make us go back to our own beds.
It was this second warning that made me finally give up and close my eyes.
My shoulder started to ache so I decided I should turn over and get more comfortable.
I opened my eyes.
Sunlight was streaming into the room.
At first, I didn’t recognize it for what it was. I had never seen the world go from black to light quite so dramatically.
I thought someone had turned on the lamp.
I turned to look at the window.
Nope. I was right. It was sunlight.
Somehow, morning had instantly followed bedtime.
It took some time for me to realize that I had just had a night of deep, dreamless sleep.
I know it happens to other people, but it had never happened before.
Or since.
To me.
But I have that one night.
And, believe me, in the sleepless hours between midnight and four A.M., I often think of it.
Where’s a stolen bunkbed when you need it?


  1. Around here, we call that "adventure sleeping." It used to mean stolen bunk beds and sleeping bags wedged in impossibly small (but cozy) spaces. Now it means my husband and I occasionally switch sides of the bed. I myself go through periodic bouts of insomnia. So I know how precious a commodity is sleep. Dear Friend, I hope you again experience a good night's sleep. Any bunk beds in the neighborhood you could steal for the night? :)

  2. Sleep for me wasn't a real problem. I do have those occasional times when I sleep better behind the wheel. When Kenzie and I drive to Calgary to see the kids, she often catnaps while I drive. She wakes up just as we arrive at the city. "Boy, that was a good sleep!" she'd exclaim. I'd respond: "Me too."

  3. Maybe that's my problem. I need a bunk bed!

  4. Ah! I don't get that kind of sleep without medication...

    Sleep is one of my goals in life. :-)


  5. Wonderful! from your friend @grammakaye on twitter!

  6. What's the problem here? You're an adult right? With an income? Buy yourself a bunk bed and put it wherever you want it. Of course, there is always the possibility that it was a 'one of'. Nah..we won't go there.

  7. Sounds idyllic - don't think I have had a proper night's sleep since I had my children, as I constantly sleep with one ear on alert!

    Perhaps I need to move into my son's bunk bed, lol!

    Kate x

  8. There's a lot I can't do, but sleep is one thing I do TOO well. Like a log, as they say. Not meaning to rub it in. Rather, feeling quite rueful that my skills (?) are so few and sort of weird :)


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