Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Mouths of Babes

Three of our grandchildren were over at Gramma and Grampa's for a visit.
They had run down the stairs.
Watched Grampa at work on the basement ceiling.
Played on his ladder.
Examined/rearranged his tools.
“Hey, you kids get out of there!”
Run back up the stairs, giggling.
Played with the castle.
Fished Sister out of the castle.
Found something to interest Sister so she wouldn't play with the castle.
Fished Sister out of the castle again.
Gave up on the castle and beat Gramma at Blokus instead.
And generally really, really worked up an appetite.
It was time for dinner.
Gramma made their favourite.
Something truly delicious.
Tasty, even.
Hot dogs.
Places were set and bodies gathered.
Blessing said and eating begun.
For a few minutes, there was little in the way of conversation.
Mostly munching and satisfied sounds.
Then, our six-year-old finished a bite and looked at his Grampa.
“You know, Grampa, you have a big tummy,” he said.
Grampa smiled. “I know,” he said.
“Yep. A big tummy.”
More eating.
Then, with characteristic six-year-old logic, “It's lots more polite to tell someone they have a big tummy than to say they're fat.”
Gramma shot water out of her nose.
Grampa stopped chewing and stared at his grandson. “Really?”
“Oh yes. Lots more polite.”
You heard it here first, folks.


  1. This was cute Diane... children are just not able to sensor themselves... lol ;)

  2. Gotta love that six-year-old logic! Five-year-old logic is even more direct!

  3. He has been taught well! And thinks before he speaks.

  4. Grandpa should be grateful the young fellow was so 'polite' don't you think?

  5. It's nice that the children are being taught to be tactful.

  6. Oh, my, I can remember doing something similar when I was little. I blush at the memory.

    He was trying to do the right thing, and that's important :)

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  8. I love the reaction here. When I was young my family and I were eating ice cream with my grandparents and I told my grandpa his tummy was big. I mean, it was! I remember all the adults gave me dirty looks (except my grandpa) and my dad hauled me out and told me how that probably hurt his feelings and I had to go back and apologize. I did learn a lesson, but I'd rather have had it like your grandson. It's always horrified me. His memory of a liquid snot shot from gram will be much better!

  9. Launa, He thought he WAS censoring. hahaha!

    Love that story! As a Kindergarten teacher, I hear numerous stories that show the developmental stage the kids are experiencing.

    This little guy demonstrates that he's being raised by caring/thoughtful parents AND that he's absorbing what he's taught. And it's so true that he's showing how 1st graders have no filter.

    Great post!


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