Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Call Me

I'll be here!

Every day, while Mama goes to work, Tinsey Girl comes to stay with Gramma.
Something all of us love.
There is much hugging and kissing as Mama prepares to go out the door in the morning.
Many ‘I love yous’.
And not a few ‘see you soons’.
Then Mama’s off and we’re on our own.
We have fun.
There are toys to play with.
Books to read.
Games to enact.
And yummy things to eat.
But Tinsey Girl still misses her Mama.
Now one of TG’s favourite toys is a musically interactive, eminently portable activity board.
On wheels.
There are buttons and keys to push, gears to spin, doors to open and close, and a small, purple phone.
To . . . umm . . . carry around.
And which, until recently, has been MIA.
A cursory and completely fruitless search had been conducted.
And the toy written off as one of those things that ‘will just show up later’.
Our daughter is a carpenter. Arriving at work and opening her toolbox, she finally discovered TG’s little purple phone.
Tucked neatly among the hammers and drills of her Mama’s tools-of-the-trade.
Arriving home from work, our grinning daughter triumphantly held up the phone.
TG grabbed it and refused to let go.
It went into the tub with her during her bath.
And ditto when she went to sleep.
The next morning, there was the usual ritual of hugs, kisses and ‘I love yous’.
And her Mama was off for another day of noisy measuring, cutting and piecing together.
As lunchtime approached, she drug out her backpack and zipped it open.
There, on top of everything was TG’s little purple phone.
Our daughter pulled it out and stared at it.
Then she laughed.
The message was finally clear.
“Call me!”


  1. Aw...doesn't that just make you tingle? What a sweet little baby.

  2. Does she ever look like Tianna! What a beautiful story! It made me smile and chuckle! "Out of the thoughts of babes!" Love you, Chris

  3. Our now 6 year old granddaughter phoned and left a message: "Hi, Gramma; Hi, Papa. Call me; I love you." She was 3. We kept saving that message but tragically, it got erased when we switched phone companies. We miss that voice mail.

    1. On, what a tragedy! Pity you can't save voice messages like you can photographs . . .

  4. What a sweet, sweet story! And a very cute little girl! You must be enjoying having her around :)

  5. I saved a voice message left by my then Kgt gr-daughter, using my computer with a mic. It is in a music file. Worth all the work to capture it!


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