Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cow Weather

Husby and I are fighting the flu.
We're not sure, yet, who's winning.
So, a repost . . .
Ha! I KNEW it was going to snow!

“Look to the cows,” said Dad, the wise,
“And you will come to realize,
That by their actions, you can tell,
The weather patterns, fair or fell.”
And so I watched, and so I saw
That he was right, my smart ol' Pa!
And he knew what he talked about,
If you're predicting rain. Or drought.

The cows, they crowd together tight
And you know cold will be the night.
They seek the shed and shelter warm
If rain or snow will be the norm.
And stand out grazing peacefully,
If sun and warmth are meant to be.
Against the breeze, their tails they turn 
Kept safe from wind's more nasty burns.

But just today, I got a scare,
From cows around me everywhere,
For when I stepped outside my door
And glanced towards the purple moor . . .
(Oops, Alberta's where I live, you see,
And so I meant the wide prairie.)
My cows weren't where they're s'posed to be,
They sat on branches. In the trees.

So now I have to figure out,
Just what they're telling me about.


  1. Best get that ark finished.

  2. I hope you and your husby feel better soon Diane :)

    1. Thank you, Launna! I can picture food now. Just not eating said food, yet . . .

  3. Maybe those cows were playing an early April Fool's Day joke on you!

    I hope you two win the battle in short order. Rest, rest, and rest some more.

    1. I always thought cows WERE the April Fool's joke. Sigh.
      We're on the mend. Thank you!

  4. I think they're telling you to hold on. Otherwise there would be cows dropping all over.

    1. Brings a whole new meaning to the words 'cow droppings'.

  5. I hope you're both feeling much better by now.
    Cows in trees huh?


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