Monday, March 11, 2013

Gaze Into Heaven

Marlene Bateman Sullivan
I love stories from people who have 'died' and come back to tell about their experiences.
Okay, I'm just quirky that way.
I just finished reading Gaze Into Heaven.
It is the best of this genre.
Never has a book been so interesting and yet filled me with such hope and quiet reassurance.
Each of the stories have been extensively researched and most come from actual diaries and journals of the people who experienced them, with other footnotes from family members who witnessed the retelling and thus shared in the experiences.
Categorized according to theme, 'buildings', 'music', 'activities' and many, many more, and with scriptural references to add weight and plausibility to the stories, it is compelling, riveting reading and I enjoyed every. Single. Word.

I arose, leaving my body behind.” 
Delve deep into over fifty documented near-death experiences from early Church history. Filled with engrossing personal experiences and perceptive commentary, scripture, and quotes from latter-day prophets, this book will help you find purpose in life as you come to more fully understand the Father’s plan for you in the eternities.

Gaze Into Heaven is a compilation of fifty documented near-death experiences of life beyond the veil, drawn from the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Filled with insight and inspiration, this book melds engrossing personal experiences with perceptive commentary, scripture, and quotes from latter-day Prophets. After reading this book, you won't ever think of life---or death---the same way.

Purchasing information:


  1. My hubby had a NDE when he fell 32 feet out of a tree. Bounced his spirit right out of his body where he watched everyone come running below. Scary.

    1. 32 feet!!!? Oh. My. Goodness. Scary doesn't begin to describe it! How old was he?

  2. After my mother died, I read a few NDE books, and found such comfort in them. I will have to look for Gaze into Heaven.

  3. Thanks for this review. It's nice to see your cute little self still around. I send a hug! Christy

  4. I also love stories about this and I find a lot of meaning in dreams.
    I don't often dream but a few nights I've been chasing the devil away from my house and waking up furious that he had the gaul to enter it.
    Guess I need a house blessing ,burn some sage and candles lol
    or maybe he made a mistake and came to the wrong house.
    Or maybe he came, to get me angry and to show me I am still guilty of sins.
    Well you can't be perfect ALL the time but it doesn't mean I want him around my home.He can go somewhere else thank you very much. lol


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