Friday, March 15, 2013

Pi is for Pie!

The Tolley's celebrate everything with pie.
Births. Blessings. Baptisms. Marriages.
Any excuse is a good excuse for pie.
And what could be more perfectly suited than a day that is actually called 'Pi'?
Yep. March 14.
Or 3.14.
The one day of the year that actually screams, "PIE!"
And the Tolleys responded.
In the only way they can . . .
47 1/2 pies!
This year was doubly exciting, because Eldest Daughter actually mixed most of the dough and rolled about a third of the pies.
The torch has been well and truly passed.
About seventy people braved the return of winter and joined with us in eating.
And visiting.
A wonderful night.
Pie-eating trainees. (Start 'em young!)
Our next special day is in May.
Mark your calendars now.
You're invited . . .


  1. Was this a family or community event (or mixture) and do you do it every year? Do tell us more, please!

    1. I was a bit vague, Jenny . . . sorry! :) Our family makes the pies, then invites the neighbourhood, church congregation, family, friends, let's face it - ANYONE who likes pie - to come and eat and visit. We do it every March 14. And any other time during the year we can find an excuse . . .

    2. What a good idea! I would like to start some sort of tradition for Pi Day. My family is all mathy except me, but I can make pie :)

    3. I definitely encourage you. It is so much fun! And people think it is so amazing to make lots of pies. And really, it's quite easy!

  2. Oh the looks of ecstasy on their faces with that chocolate pie! And the apple was EMINENTLY popular!

    1. Eminently. Ooh, I like that word!!!
      And the pie . . .

  3. Look at all thos favourites are lemon meringue, pumpkin, apple, cherry, raspberry, blueberry...wait a minute....okay I guess I just like PIE.

    1. You're our kids of folks, Delores! I'm saving a place for you at the next one . . .

  4. So many pies!
    I'm going to mark March 14 in my calendar for next year. I've never known about pi day before, but from now on it will be pie day at my house. Apple, lemon meringue, chocolate cream, caramel...I love pie.


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