Saturday, May 18, 2013

In the Dark

Me. In the light.
I always was afraid at night
When Mother would turn out the light,
Into the darkness, I would stare
And look for monsters waiting there.

My fear has lasted all my life,
E’en after I became a wife,
Though I must admit it’s better when
There’s someone sleeping near you, then.
But still the darkness frightened me.
Still harboured scary things, you see.
Into the darkness, I would stare
For thugs and villains waiting there.

Once, Husby took me out to see
A great new movie, just released.
About a girl, so sweet and kind
But with powers that absorbed her mind.
That night, my world again askew,
The light stayed on because I knew
Into the darkness, I would stare,
Certain Carrie waited there.

And so it’s gone - the darkness wins,
The light goes off, and my mind spins.
Creating creatures in the night
That disappeared in morning light.
Beings who would steal your mind
Performing tests on all mankind.
Into the darkness I still stare
And watch for aliens waiting there.

Last night I stumbled down the hall
Intent on answering nature’s call
And when I glanced into the mirror,
All I could see was one pale blur.
For my tri-focals help me out,
So I can see my way about.
If in the darkness, I did stare,
I’d not see anything waiting there.

What you cannot see won’t hurt you, right?
Shhh . . . I’m turning off the light.


  1. I hate passing a mirror in the dark...freaky.

  2. Here I was congratulating myself on no longer being afraid of the dark, until I realized that between the nearby town streetlight and the light from the clock radio and the vaporizer and the smoke dectector ... it's not all that dark at night! When I was younger, I lived in the country, and on a moonless night, it's DARK! As you know all too well :)


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