Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Not Me!

Caitlin Age 3
Ten o'clock pm.
Six happy, grubby little bodies scrubbed clean and clothed in freshly-laundered pajamas.
Six sets of shiny, white teeth brushed.
Six heads of hair neatly brushed.
Six stories read.
Six songs sung.
Six sweet, heartfelt prayers.
Six (times six) hugs and kisses.
And six children finally tucked up between fresh, clean sheets.
All are asleep.
And now, their parents can relax, knowing that their happy, healthy and very active children have been properly prepared for a much-needed night's rest.
They can put their feet up and rejoice in a few stolen minutes of peace and calm. To visit together and catch up on the day's events.
All is well.
Then . . .
Little footsteps. Crossing the bedroom. Coming up the hall. Going into the kitchen.
The squeak of a refrigerator door.
Talk in the front room ceases. Two semi-alert parents are listening to the clandestine sounds.
Finally, the suspense is too much.
"Who's in the kitchen?"
Silence. A three-year-old intellect is working frantically.
"Who's there?"
"Ummm . . . not me!"


  1. Oh that's just too cute.

    1. It cutes me to this day. And she has a three-year-old of her own!

  2. Picture the farmer, his daughter and three young men who are stranded at the farmer's house for the night. The young men are down the hall from the daughter. The farmer is keeping watch from the other end of the hall. But it's dark.

    "Who's there?" Farmer demands.
    "Meow," responds the first young man.

    Later. Pitter-patter...
    "Who's there?"
    "Meow," says the second young man.

    Still later. Pitter-patter...
    "Who's there?" Farmer demands for a third time.
    "The cat," responds the third young man.

    1. Bwahahahaha! Now THAT is a trip down memory lane!!

  3. Awww ... such a sweet face! You have to admit, for a three-year-old, that's not a bad answer under pressure!

  4. Pretty little girl. I'll bet she's not responsible for any necklace shenanigans, either.

    1. Funny you should mention it . . .
      And clothespins, but that is another story!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. What a sweet story, it made me smile Diane:)

  7. I'm trying hard to remember that...

  8. Ha ha! Love that....my boy doesn't even bother to be stealth!

    1. I don't think there was really much 'stealth' involved here, either! :)

  9. Aw, thanks for the huge smile today! "Not me" is pretty brilliant, I'd say!!

    1. One just doesn't think up responses like that in a moment . . . oh . . . wait . . .

  10. That is so funny! I love three year olds, especially when they are trying to avoid being caught doing something they shouldn't be.

    1. No one can look quite as guilty as a three-year-old, trying to look . . . not guilty.

  11. My favorite part is the "ummm...." That made me laugh. She clearly didn't have her alibi picked out ahead of time. ;) I actually had a similar moment today. Bath time - have 1 yo in her room, doing after bath stuff, with 2yo still in bath. Realize it's really quiet, so I say, "You okay in there?" I hear a "yes" and suddenly see a naked baby, smiling, in the doorway.
    Thanks for sharing on our blog hop!


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