Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Musical Memories

The year boys were discovered in Milk River.
Okay, yes, they had always been there.
And yes, I had seen them.
But up until that time, they had been covered with cooties.
True story.
Also true was the fact that, in 1965, I got my first, ever, boyfriend.
A real. Living. Breathing. Boy.
Who liked me.
1965 was also the year for miracles.
Moving on . . .
I was finding out about the wondrous world of sitting in a movie, holding hands with a boy.
Hanging out at recess with a boy.
Talking on the phone with a boy.
Sitting in assemblies with a  . . .
You get the idea.
It was new.
It was unusual.
It was amazing.
Okay, it didn’t last long. Let’s face it, both of us were ten. Attention spans are notoriously short when you’re ten.
But for a while . . .
My boyfriend and I and another friend were sitting in the travel trailer behind his parents’ house.
I should mention here that 1965 was also the year that we realized the radio played . . . music.
Rock and roll music.
I don’t know about you, but my parents’ radio was always tuned to the news.
Yep. The news.
Twenty-four hours a day.
Back to my story . . .
My boyfriend had fallen hard for a newly discovered group, The Beatles.
He had bought one of their records and we were listening to it.
They were SO COOL!
It was the fifth or sixth time we had restarted the LP and by this point, all three of us were getting quite proficient with the words to “I Wanna Hold Your Hand!”
“I wanna hold your ha-a-and!” I was singing at the top of my lungs, really not caring who else might be listening. “I wanna hold your hand!”
My boyfriend took the hint. Sat beside me, took my hand and sang along.
It was the best moment of my life.
Then, suddenly, his mother appeared in the open door. “Diane, your Mom is here. Time to go.”
I looked at my boyfriend and grimaced. (Yes. Grimaced.)
Our moment was over.
But that was all right. There would be other times.
Lots of them.
I was wrong.
Not long afterwards, my boyfriend’s attention . . . wandered.
As did mine.
That’s the good thing about being 10.
But whenever I hear The Beatles sing, “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”, I’m back in the trailer behind his house and he and I are singing along at the top of our voices.
And holding hands.

Memories don’t get much better than that.


  1. What a lovely memory Diane... so sweet;-)

  2. Interesting that you found music as a means to get together. For me it was Bonnie Grey and me doing dishes together.

    1. Really?! Now there is a story that wants telling . . .

    2. How about a guest post from Big Brother, Diane? We need ALL the details ... :)

    3. Sooo true! C'mon George! Let's hear about this one!

  3. Yes! There are a couple of songs that take me instantly back to a moment in time ...

    You captured that feeling so well!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! Amazing, isn't it. Smells, tastes, sounds. And you're instantly back in some other time and some other place!

  4. Yes, there was the Moon River time. And that dumb song, An Ant Can't Move a Rubber Tree Plant--we were laughing until we couldn't breathe.

    1. I loved Moon River! AND the rubber tree plant song! Whoops, there goes another rubber tree plant! Mmm . . . more memories . . .

  5. Oh yes. I remember. I hear that song, and suddenly I am 13 years old and in love with George Harrison. (He was the quiet one...I always liked his eyes...)

    You really brought those first moments of love to life!

    1. George was my favourite as well! Definitely the eyes . . .

  6. Oh what a wonderful way to illustrate such a magical time in your life with real living breathing boys! I love how music so readily transports us back, back, back. Such a great song, too!

    1. The excitement! The amazement! The stumbling about for things to say . . .
      It was such a great time!
      And, like a good movie, great times require great music. Right?

  7. This is beautiful, Diane! I could only wish to have such wonderful memories. Many of my memories are tied to songs, but to be honest, most of my good memories with music are only since I met my husband. *little jealous*

    1. Oh, but memories with your Husby are all the sweeter!

  8. I remember the hysteria when The Beatles came to Adelaide in 1964, I lived in Port Pirie which was several hours drive away, but we saw the screaming fans at the airport via TV coverage. My older sister was crazy in love with Paul. I just liked their music and wasn't at all interested in the boys themselves. I was 13, and to me, boys were still the friends they'd always been, someone to climb trees with, play at the beach with.

    1. I liked their music, too. My older sister used to scream when a Beatles song came on. I thought she was insane . . .


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