Thursday, June 6, 2013

To a Man's Heart . . .

This week's Wednesday words from Our Feathered Nest
Incline, recline, divine, bovine, ravine, machine 
valentine, engine, pine, enshrine, leonine, clandestine
Delores, your so devious . . .
Which to choose. Which to choose. Ah, scrap it, I'll take 'em all!

How can one not see poetry in these words?

Oh, Valentine, my Valentine,
Toward your kitchen, I incline.
What ecstasy again is mine,
Your bread is great, your cakes, divine.
At night upon my bed, recline,
For gastronomic Heaven pine
And toss my head, all leonine,
And think of trips so clandestine.
I’m lost in hunger’s great ravine,
Until I hear the bread machine.
And know perfection will be mine,
My engine fueled by food sublime.
Though my figure trends toward ‘bovine’.
Your name upon the stove enshrine.
And write in letters nine-by-nine,

My heart is yours, my Valentine.


  1. Awwww....that was beautiful and why does it not surprise me you wrote a poem about food? Both yourself and Susan used all 12 words...I am speechless (well, no not really).

    1. Mmmm . . . food . . .
      Off to read Susan's blog now . . .

  2. So very awesome! Tossing that leonine hair, recline while plunging into all that fooooood. Excellent!

    1. You inspired me, Susan! If you could do it, I could at least try! :)

  3. I like that you didn't choose! A poem so rich can handle both rhymes! You've gone and made me hungry!

  4. A foodie poem! And such a good one. I love the smell of baking coming from home kitchens.


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