Friday, July 12, 2013

Prairie Sneaking

My good friend Delores of The Feathered Nest has issued this week's challenge.
effervescent, sanity, umbrella, tang, hustle and gumdrops.
Challenge accepted . . . 

I was at my first Prairie Party with my friend/roommate/almost-sister, Debbie (she of the effervescent eyes and sparkly personality), and my new boyfriend.
It was . . . rather exciting.
Even though the weather had been uncharacteristically iffy.
And was continuing in the same vein throughout the evening.
There was a crowd of farm/ranch kids all talking and laughing around a huge campfire, periodically opening umbrellas when the heavy overhead clouds shook out a few drops or hustling into the nearby camp kitchen if the rain increased.
Many remained sitting in the shelter, pouring drinks, eating chips, popcorn, nuts and the inevitable and still popular, gumdrops.
Which, as the liquor flowed and sanity decreased, seemed to be used mostly for target practice.
My new boyfriend and I, both non-drinkers, were sitting in his truck, one of several parked in a semi-circle around the kitchen providing light on the obviously moonless night.
No, really. We were talking.
He was showing me his new knife and my mind was a confused whirl of blade belly, AUS 8 Steel, bevel, edge, tang, bolster and anodization.
I was discovering that he was a lot of fun and very clever.
He was discovering that I laughed a lot.
Suddenly, his head snapped around toward the kitchen. “Look,” he said, nodding.
I turned.
A shadow was making its way toward us.
Sliding between cars and generally giving the impression of cautious-ness.
It slid quickly through a beam of light and dove once more into the shadows.
The two of us watched as she continued in our direction.
Finally, she left the shelter of the car just to our left and, crouching, made her way directly in front of the truck we were sitting in.
My boyfriend waited for just a moment . . .

Then, grinning widely, honked the horn.


  1. And then Debbie ran back to the bunkhouse and changed her clothes no doubt.

    1. HeeHee! I probably would have had to! :) Debbie was made of sterner stuff . . .

  2. Ack - you stopped before the story was over!!

    I guess it doesn't take much imagination to finish it :)

    Great use of that eclectic group of words, by the way :)

    1. I'll never forget that squeak of alarm or that indignant face popping up in front of the hood! We laughed and laughed. It was the stuff of movies . . .

  3. OMG I'll bet she was scared to pieces! I thought it was sure to be a nefarious person stealing items from cars or something. Poor Debbie! Awesome use of the words!

    1. Debbie was always good for entertainment! She got herself into the funniest predicaments . . .

  4. You take us back to that night so beautifully. I felt right there! And I've never been nor will I probably ever go to a Prairie Party!

  5. Great story, but OMG, he honked the horn right in her ear??? Poor Debbie. I bet she jumped a mile high.


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