Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tarp Wars

It’s raining on us.
And we’re sitting in the middle of the northern Alberta woods.
Not a good combination.
But many, many years ago, my Husby and his good friend, Gord, instituted a tradition which has saved more than one camping trip.
Tarp wars.
The rules are simple.
Whoever can put up the tightest, smoothest, most rain-defying/re-directing tarp, wins.
And garners the most support. (ie: huddlers.)
Let’s face it. When the elements have decided to make life miserable, the place you want to be is under the tightest, smoothest, most rain-defying . . .  you get the picture.
The two men started out small. Eight feet by ten feet.
But that wasn’t big enough; didn’t accommodate the mass of humanity that required shelter.
So they went bigger.
Ten by twelve.
Then fifteen by twenty.
Twenty by twenty.
And finally, twenty by thirty.
And that’s where they stopped.
Because finding a space between trees in the Canadian North Woods that is larger than thirty feet, is very nearly impossible.
This year’s winner?
My Husby.
Mainly because our friends haven’t shown up yet.
But we declaring it a victory.

It’s not raining at this exact moment, but it will and when it does, we will all thank him.

P.S. I have pictures, but my current circumstances (ie. a slow trickle of wireless power here in the middle of nowhere) prevent me using them. Sigh.


  1. I'll wait. Have to see this. Stay dry till then.

  2. When you get the photos up, I would love to see the craziness! Men.

  3. Have the neighbours been over to visit yet?

    1. Nope! We've seen them looking through the trees, though . . .

  4. Ha ha ha! Men and their competitions! And sometimes their creations even serve a purpose ...

    I'm waiting for photos too :)

  5. :-)

    We make our fun where we are, particularly when it's raining in the woods. I think it all sounds very amusing!


    1. You have to work at it when it's raining in the woods . . .

  6. Have you tried camping in the dry season?

    1. The only problem is that, when the dry season hits, so do the sub-zero temperatures. Sigh.


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