Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Travelling Man

Mark the Independent

Mark was angry.
And no one could get angry like our little two-year-old.
Anyplace would be better than this one.
Grandma's was infinitely superior.
She never made him clean up his toys or eat his meals.
He was leaving.
He had his pajamas and Kermit the Frog.
He was packed.
And out of here.
I sat, nursing the baby, and watched him walk down the hallway, one leg of his sleeper hanging out through the improperly closed zipper of his backpack.
My little independent man.
“I'm going, Mom!” he said loudly, without looking back.
His 'declaration of independence' continued as he moved along the hall . . .
“I'm going!”
“Here I go!”
“Yup. I'm going!”
“Going to Gramma's”
“You won't see me!”
Yup. Living with Gramma now!”
By this point he had made it the entire length of the hall and was out of my sight.
There was a short pause and I could hear the sounds of movement and a tiny grunt.
Then, “Mom! Can you open the door?”
Yup. My independent little man.
Walking to his Grandmother's ten miles away.
If he could make it out of the house.


  1. No wonder you didn't panic.

    1. Yeah. The threat was pretty much contained.
      Now, however . . .

  2. This was very sweet and gave me a good chuckle. They are so independent until they get to the door. :)

  3. Love it! It was a great chuckle to start my day!


  4. So sweet! And probably just before that, so ... frustrating ... for both of you :)

  5. This is adorable and makes me miss my little granddaughter!

  6. And, it is always Grandma's they are running away to! My daugher once packed, dramatically announced her intention to leave and then asked me to buy her a train ticket....

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

    1. Heehee! You'll never see me again! Once you help me get out of here . . .


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