Monday, August 19, 2013

Flight or [and] Faint

I'm late, I know! 
But this is the first chance I've had to use Delores' challenge words from last Wednesday!
The first word was enough to send me into a spin. 
Oh, dear . . .

Flight, tropical, balanced, sunstroke, despair, slime

Ready for anything . . .
My Husby loves to travel,
It’s just the way he is,
North or South; East or West,
The world is truly his.

He loves to take me with him,
(It’s good I love to go)
Foreign or domestic,
Above or Down Below.

But there’s one thing problematic,
One teeny, little blight - 
To see most things he wants to see,
We have to take a flight.

To get us two from here to there
We hurtle through the air,
While all around me talk and eat,
I curl up in despair.

He says we’re safe, quotes stats galore,
The balanced dance of gear.
I see a tube with flimsy wings,
That gives me naught but fear.

Next month, our target’s tropical,
Amenities sublime,
But though my mind’ll be happy there,
In flight, it’s dark like slime.

I love to go to Mexico,
And be sunstroke aware.
I’ll treasure each small moment,
The pain is getting there!


  1. Ok, this was so cute. I can fully relate to it. I haven't always liked to fly and my husband has a reputation of delayed or counseled flights, nights in the terminal, bad weather and etc. He can tell some gruesome stories.
    Therefore, I didn't enjoy flying at all. Now I am slowly getting use to it.
    You did a great job with the words.

  2. Great job....I don't fly...won't fly....can't make me.

  3. Oh, but you are good. :-)


    p.s. Grew up in a small engine plane and have no fear of them. But I certainly do acknowledge that there's good reason for it!

  4. Do you try to do things that would occupy your mind - writing poetry springs to mind, for some reason :) - while in flight? It's hard to think about two things at once ... that's a technique used for pain management, and fear is similar to pain ... meanwhile, great poem, and hope you have a terrific time when you go south!

    1. Hmm. I do try to write when I'm in the air. But my writing usually consists of 'Oh my goodness, we're all going to die! Oh my goodness, we're all going to . . .!'
      You get the picture!

  5. Wow, do you have to write a poem on top of including the words or do you just choose to make it harder?? Impressive!

    1. I just choose to do it. Weird, right?
      I LOVE poetry! It's like a dance . . . of words.

  6. I totally agree. I like to go places, I just don't like the getting there (and the going home). I wish there was a Scotty to beam me up.

  7. What a great poem! You're really good at this.
    I love flying. I love the moments when the plane banks and turns and the wing tilts down, I can look out and see my city below me. I love it.


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