Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Heroes of Faith, True Stories of Faith and Courage

I love stories of heroes.
People with strength and courage who stand up for themselves and others.
Even when standing up would be uncomfortable and sometimes downright dangerous.
There have been many in history who have given everything for what they believe. Joan of Arc and the ancient apostles of Jesus Christ spring instantly to mind. 
And Jesus Christ, Himself.
There are modern examples as well. And many are showcased in the new book by my friend, Marlene Bateman Sullivan: Heroes of Faith, True Stories of Faith and Courage.
Marlene has collected stories of people who survived impossible hardships, such as A.C. Christensen in a Japanese prison camp. Held to their beliefs in the face of unsympathetic regimes like the Torontos in Germany. Carried on through vast physical challenges as did blind Samuel Jenkinson.
Each is a story of determination, strength and real courage.
I loved this book.
I am in awe of such people.
And wonder if I would ever have their courage.
I hope I never have to find out . . .

Our fast-paced society loves adventure and it loves a hero—but what about Latter-day Saint heroes?  Are there any?  There are plenty!
Heroes of Faith, True Stories of Faith and Courage, is a collection of twenty-four riveting stories about people who rose above difficulties and impossible odds to emerge triumphant. You’ll read about stalwart men and women who stood firm and valiant in the gospel in spite of dangerous mobs, flying bullets, physical handicaps, extreme hardships, and dictatorial regimes.
It's fascinating to read about the exploits of real heroes and when that hero is acting in accordance with the principles of the gospel, the adventure is not only thrilling, but inspiring as well. In these days of increasing trials and tribulation, we can all use some worthy role models, especially those that strengthen our faith and increase our testimonies.

Marlene Bateman Sullivan was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in English. She is married to Kelly R. Sullivan and they are the parents of seven children. 
Heroes of Faith is available at these outlets: 


  1. Diane,
    You, Dad, George, Anita, Jerry, and Blair are my Latter-Day Saint heroes! I love you all to pieces for the strength and support you give me. You have all overcome huge challenges in your lives and are coping with life in a positive way that inspires me to be more than I thought I could be!

  2. You are so sweet! And an example to us all! Thank you!


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