Monday, September 30, 2013


Another of my Dad's favourite stories.
And, who knows . . . maybe it happened . . .?


They’d been married one week, plus a day,
Sylvester and his good wife, May.
And May thought she should mark the date,
With something special for her mate.

A chicken dinner was her plan
She dug out pot and frying pan,
Consulted her mom’s recipes,
For gastronomic ecstasies.

All afternoon, she cooked and stirred,
By her love for her Sylvester, spurred,
At last she had the table set,
With goodies from her kitchenette.

She heard his step upon the stair,
And quickly pulled him to his chair,
He saw the things that she had done
And gently hugged his Honey-bun.

They ate enthusiastically,
Of fluffy spuds and buttered peas,
And other dishes by the score,
Each one, another to adore.

But when the crowning dish arrived,
So very prettily contrived,
He carved, and laid the pieces down,
And poured out fine, rich gravy; brown.

Then the anticipated taste,
And, suddenly, his smile displaced.
“My dear,” he said, with quite a sniff,
“What did you stuff the chicken with?”

She smiled upon him brilliantly,
Then sighed and answered blissfully,
“That part, I didn’t have to follow,
For the chicken wasn’t hollow!”


  1. LOL! I was so in the mood for a good laugh. Thank you for providing it! :)

  2. It probably happened.
    I roasted a fine chicken for supper; my husband's best friend, Eddy, was coming. There were fluffy spuds and buttered peas, too. When Eddy took up the carving knife to do the honors it literally would not go through the bird. I was humiliated. Eddy kept saying "Sometimes it happens. That's why we way 'Tough old bird.'" I wasn't married long enough to believe him.

    1. Ohhh, the tough old bird disaster! I've SOOO been there!

  3. My kitchen disasters run more to fires, but I can definitely see a new cook roasting a whole chicken!

    1. Yikes! Fires?! I've lit my drier on fire, but, fortunately, not yet anything in the kitchen. Touch wood . . .

  4. My hubs tells the story of a Cub Scout Thanksgiving Dinner where the ladies cooked the turkeys at home and brought them in....One of the dear souls left the little package of giblets in it.

  5. OHHH. Was it a freshly plucked chicken? Either way, it would not have gone well. Poor thing.

  6. Hey, now I know how they cooked that chicken back in my college days!

  7. You are really, really good at poetry stories! I love them.
    Oh dear on the chicken though.

    1. Thank you, River! And you're right about the chicken . . . I can almost taste it!!!


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