Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tough to Say Goodbye

For over twenty years, we've spent part of each summer roaming the trails and mountains around Banff, Alberta.
The most beautiful spot on earth.
I'm not prejudiced . . .
Our kids learned to swim in the condo pool.
Saw their first bear while hiking those trails.
Scrimped and saved for their annual trip to the Rocks and Gems Shop.
Or the all-important Candy Store.
Watched the elk and deer saunter through from the second-floor balcony.
Laughed at the squirrels as they chattered and scampered.
Learned to play horse-shoes and croquet on the lawns.
Played games, watched movies and slept in.
Till Seven.
Now the next generation is experiencing those same wonderful things.
It's tough to say goodbye.
Even though we know it isn't forever.
This is why . . .

First hike.

Hiking's HARD work!

When you run out of trail, keep going!

Old Husby of the Mountain.
Umm . . . no comment . . .

How can we leave it behind?
Till next year, Banff, farewell!


  1. My David went to Banff this summer and all the pictures were amazing. I am going out to visit him in late April, early May of 2014, I am hoping we can take a day or two of my trip to go over and see some of the sites. There is so much beauty in Alberta and I want to experience a little of it while I am there :)

    1. I do hope you enjoy it! You're right. There is a lot to see. :)

  2. It's beautiful, Diane. No wonder you keep returning and no wonder it's hard to leave.

  3. This country of ours has so much to see and enjoy.

  4. Oh my...gorgeous. I can see what you mean.

    1. Thank you! In the mountains, you have to get up high to see. But what a sight . . .


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