Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Grampa's Little Helper

Kids pick up on everything we do.
Whether we like it or not.
And my Husby likes to build things.
These two facts will come together somewhere in this story . . .
As I was saying, my Husby likes to build things. Big things.
He made our dining room table.
Our games table.
Our birdcage and assorted other furniture.
Now, his big project is a cedar-log sunroom.
He does this because it’s . . . fun.
Moving on . . .
This project requires spending the days outside.
And making assorted loud noises.
Our kids grew up with Dad’s building projects and the accompanying rackets.
Our almost-two-year-old granddaughter who lives with us is just beginning to.
And she is adapting quickly.
Now, whenever there is a loud noise in the street (ie. Mower, weedwhip, atomic explosion) she gasps excitedly and says, “Grampa! Working!”
Yesterday, she learned something new.
Did I mention that Husby’s project keeps him outside all day?
Strawberry pals.

Oh, right, I did.
Perhaps I should emphasize the words OUTSIDE ALL DAY.
Because one can’t drag him inside, even for meals.
Occasionally, I will poke my head out the back door and ask, “How are you doing, Honey?”
But that’s the sum total of our ‘Husby-has-a-project’ communication.
Yesterday, my granddaughter and I were in the front room. Me, reading. She, plotting to overthrow the world.
Suddenly, she jumped down from the table where she was playing with the Playmobil castle and ran to the back door.
There followed the sounds of effort.
Then the squeak of the door.
Then a little voice, “How you doing, Honey?”
Who says they’re not watching.
And learning . . .

Can you see it? (Ignore the mess . . .)


  1. Bronwyn did that once when Rini came home from school. I said "Hi Sweetie!" and right behind me BB goes "Hi Sweetie!" We laughed for at least a minute.

    Reminds me of when Mark was in the highchair ad wanted down...

    1. Oh, those little echoes! Yep. Mark wins the 'I'll try another' prize . . .

  2. Awe how cute Diane... I bet this room will be amazing when it's done;-)

  3. That is SO sweet! Yep, they're little sponges, all right!

    Won't it be fantastic to have a sunroom? You're lucky to have a handy husband!

  4. Awww.......that is SO adorable!!

  5. Oh! I am excited! I will be there to see it unveiled!

  6. So cute. :) My husby doesn't have an outside, but he goes in his head when he does projects. So... kinda the city equivalent.

    1. Our Husbys would definitely get along. Each lost in his own world!

  7. That is just the cutest thing!
    How you doin' honey?
    That sunroom looks like it will be a doozy.

  8. This was just plain cute. Our of the mouth of babe's. The sun room looks like it is a great project. I am sure he is trying to get it completed before the snow flies.
    Blessings and smiles on this one!

    1. Yep. He's just one step ahead of the snow and working frantically!


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