Friday, October 18, 2013

The Gift

“I’m shopping for my wife,” said he.
“For things she needs immediately.
And while I’m here, I thought I’d get
A special something for my Pet.”

 He wandered round the store a while,
And saw things staid. Or infantile.
Then found that he had ambled to
The women’s clothes all starched and new.

His eyes lit up as he assessed
New ways to help his wife get dressed.
In gowns of rough or slinky mein,
In shades from black to tangerine.

He wandered further through the store
Seeking something she’d adore,
High or low or bourgeoisie,
He finally came o’er to me.

“It seemed so simple,” he declared.
“But now I’ve looked, and now I’m scared.
The clothes selection’s vast and mixed,
And I can’t seem to choose betwixt.”

“There’s something that she needed, though,
To wear around her bungalow.
So help me please, I do implore.
There must be something in your store!”

“There’s much to choose from, sir,” I said.
“That’s sure to please your thoroughbred.
But there's one thing I need to know,
Just how big is her bungalow?”


  1. Indeed.
    I love your poems. Time to perhaps publish a collection?

  2. Oh, yes. With your stories and poems, you could have a marvelous collection. Your ranch and youth?! Great stuff!

    1. Wow! I will definitely be looking into that! :) You and Delores have made my day!

  3. Pretty cute! I don't think I'll ever hear the word again without thinking of this story!

    I thought, for some reason that escapes me now, that you had already published your stories, but if you haven't, they'd make a great book.

    1. That's so funny. That word always reminds me of this story, too!

  4. You, my dear, are multi-talented!!

    1. Why, thank you, Debra! I So appreciate your good words!

  5. Your poems always make me smile. This one is adorable!

  6. I'm in agreement with the others, you should publish your poems and stories.
    I like this poem, and can sympathise with the shopper, clothes stores offer too much choice, selection is too hard.

    1. Thank you! I'm really thinking about it now!
      I'm definitely not a shopper. I buy the first thing I come to and get out of there!

  7. You hit this one out of the ball park!


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