Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Age Princesses

Not just another pretty face!
Our family was together today.
Because we do everything in a group.
Or in our case, a herd.
Grampa and a couple of mothers/aunties had gathered several of the younger kids together in the gym.
In a circle to play some games.
Most of which included loud noises.
Clawing, scratching and biting gestures.
And animal sounds.
They were . . . involved.
One of the two-year-old girls came out of the gym.
And with both hands raised in her best clawing-the-neighbours-or-anyone-else-who-might-get-in-the-way position.
Auntie stopped her.
“Are you a bear?” she asked.
The little girl looked at her indignantly and sniffed. “I’m a princess!” she stated. “See my pretty dress?!”
Auntie and I looked at each other. “Not the sort of princess I was raised with, but . . . okay,” she said.
It’s a new world.
Princesses now have claws, stomp around and growl a lot.
But still wear pretty dresses.
Just FYI.


  1. A force to be reckoned with.

  2. Yes, children say the cutest things. I am smiling.............

  3. Get ready, folks, There a bear/princess on the loose.

  4. Well, of course she is a Princess Bear. And that makes you a ... Queen Mother Bear! Be sure to wear your best hat :)

  5. I remember a few princesses like that when I was a kid. It seems to me that they're still that way, just bigger.

  6. Of course. Princesses must always wear pretty dresses, how else would we know they are Princesses? Because the stomping and clawing is done by everybody at one time or another.


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